City of Angels
City of Angels
| 16 January 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Protraph Lack of good storyline.
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    hillari This hospital drama was not given a chance to grow. That is the problem with TV programming today: years ago, shows were given time to be seen and perhaps, improve. It's amazing that any TV series stay on longer than a month these days, because advertising dollars have come to account for more than quality programming. This was not a bad show. However, it did have some strikes against it. Some of the plots appeared to be the same old standard ones that always crop up in hospital dramas (but then the show wasn't on long enough to see if it would branch out). Also, the majority of the principal characters were African-American, and it is a sad fact of American TV that audiences and TV executives are more comfortable when African-Americans are being funny than being serious. You would think that by this time there would be as many African-American TV dramas as there have been comedies, but it hasn't happened yet.
    singhd This is a first for me. But I am very disappointed in the cancellation of this wonderful night time drama. It made my Thursday night and my week. It was my "MUST SEE TV". Please bring this winner back to the air, you will definately have one dedicated and loyal watcher. Thank you.
    jritchie-2 I was very very disapointed when I turned to watch "City of Angles" and another show comes on. I found "City of Angles" to be a very very good show... when I watched that show I learned something new in every eppisode. On the evenings that the show aired it was like a family get together. We all would sit down in front of the television and watch this show. Every week we check to see if you have decided to put back on the air and every week we are disapointed. I would really like for "City of Angles" to be put back on the air. When you stopped airing that show alot of things looked bleek to us. We just don't understand why is it that when we get a great "Black" viewer show on any network you always want to cancel it? That is just so confusing but you would rate "Stiendfield" a great show and I don't see the humor in it! I would like to know how is that you rate your "viewer statistics" or rather "ratings"? My family used to call each other long distance and watch the show! PLEASE BRING IT BACK!!!
    tconn This show is a keeper. The casting people should be seen as individuals who KNOW the script and have done beautifully in bringing it to life. When Bobby Morse loosens up a bit, he is going to be very watchable. Here at Communications Institute the consensus puts "Angels" at the A level. If the writers keep up their dialogue, the show could be a high mark for 2000.For those who see a reason to stumble into the ethnic morass, we say: "Ethnic, schmethnic!" This is damned good drama acted by talented people.........That's all from here for the time.Phillip GREENLEAF
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