Chasing Cameron
Chasing Cameron
NR | 27 December 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
    Bereamic Awesome Movie
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    pensacolacomputer This "show" is about a group of kids, who are complete morons. They think they are celebrities because a bunch of really young girls follow them on social media. It mainly focuses on Cameron who will say things such as "I like hanging out with my best friend because he doesn't look at me like everyone else does, he looks at me like I'm normal"... This 20 year old is constantly playing with his hair and acting like a complete jackass, disrespecting his peers in the process. You can tell he never had a father figure in his life, someone to bring him back down to reality and spank that butt. Its easy to see his Mom let him get away with anything and everything growing up. He acts like he thinks he is a God or something, he has no idea.They call each other "the talent" when speaking about the other members of the group. I watched all the episodes and I am still trying to figure out what their talent is. In reality, they have no talent at all, unless being a complete idiot and being extremely conceded is a talent. I watched all the episodes because I couldn't not watch this train wreck of a show and how messed up these kids are. And I guess that is the brilliance in the show, you can't help but to watch it. But most normal people look at these guys and shake their head in disbelief because of what they are saying. Its kind of like the Anna Nicole Smith or Whitney Houston reality shows, you just cant help but to watch the train wreck. Most people thank God that they are not in their shoes because they really have no idea what is actually important in life. But they hopefully will one day once their 2 minutes of fame is over, and trust me, because they have no talent that time is coming sooner rather than later.
    Ashley I am not entirely sure why Netflix took on this show. I almost hope they did this as a joke to show how ridiculous "MAGCON" really is. The group is essentially made up of slightly above-average looking children who take advantage of the fact that millions of impressionable pre-teen girls around the world are willing to pay just to be in their presence. The fact that they even take themselves seriously is almost humorous, and whenever the camera cuts to interview each of the boys individually, the things they say are so unintelligent and illogical that it's laughable at times. These boys have no idea how to carry themselves professionally, the one kid Taylor is an ego maniac, and the others are just kind of in the background. They call themselves the "talent" but I'm really not entirely sure what talent any of them have other than jumping around on stage while girls scream. I'm not sure how the CEO Bart came into the picture, but he seems like a weirdo who preys on teenage boys' daddy issues. These kids live in a dream world, and this show was essentially just a way to promote themselves even further. Pretty addicting to watch, though, it's interesting to see what these kids view as reality and how preposterous it is.
    anton05 It's just terrible waste of time. If "Haters back off!" was funny enough to watch, this is just ZERO. A bunch of kids who got no talent at anything just showing off their abs and Calvin's to screaming girls. It's just this! Huge mistake of Netflix. I googled the subject and was not happy to knew that Shawn Mendes was messing around with that bunch of so-called "social media influence". I'm not surprised that there is just one review - it's very hard to describe what happening on the screen in more just one sentence. I've read in some reviews that Cameron Dallas will have a big future in Hollywood - doubt this. What's the most disappointing for me is that there are lots of really talented kids and teens on the social media who are really talented in what they do - like Shawn Mendes, all the sports-persons, amateur singers, musicians, but we got this...
    jackiejns983 At first I thought this was a parody. Then I thought it was a nightmare. All these young men wanting to be famous without a talent, other than persistence and youth. A few FIND their love of music after their instagram fame. But then I got hooked and it just became sad. One kid had a song that was so similar to another rap song I am waiting for a law suit. Lots of the kids (mostly white) have sad backgrounds with divorce or bullying. Cameron is a smart kid with business smarts. But what are they doing? Do the ever read a book? They never discuss anything deep, but only their own fans and money. Their handlers (except for one Mom) look bewildered. The idiotic girls, who in another generation would simply be Tiger Beat subscribers, become a real security threat. All this to be noticed. Excellent look at the downside of fame. One manager was even texting while driving! That's the idiotic world they live in. I think Cameron will survive with his hustle. Good male model material, which was his original goal. The others I fear will meet a sad fate of many child actors. Weird show but addicting.