Celebrity Big Brother
Celebrity Big Brother
TV-PG | 07 February 2018 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
    Micransix Crappy film
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Jim Mackay Would have been nice Ross winning but his partner pulled it off when she needed to. She was more sincere than Ross to earn the votes. Well done Big Brother for a first Celebrity edition.
    garryshw This show is entertaining with the exception of Omoarosa! I can not believe that these shows waste there time with her she is just mean and spiteful! Nobody I know finds her even remotely worth watching!
    Double44 There's no sense of urgency, as they are already spoiled brats. Who there honestly cares about winning? It's a glorified comedy/drama filled with the usual bunch of actors. Why has the house been more dolled up than any other season? What exactly makes this cast so special over previous cast members? Hollywood is a black eye to America and the world overall. Does CBS want ratings? I think I speak for every decent human on the planet, when I say that I want to see these celebrities absolutely humiliated, and in an unscripted manner. Using Omarosa as a tool to bash Trump is no longer surprising or "unexpected", but the 'fake news' vultures just can't get enough of that s***, can they? Couldn't help but notice the Zionist props on display like the Bohemian Grove owl, the Saturnian living room floor, the Golden Idol statues, the Chinese checkers aka the 666 Jewish star of David, etc. Why do elites constantly underestimate the concept of God's inevitable wrath?
    wrntenn CBS interjecting politics in Celebrity Big Brother has sucked the fun out of the show.The celebrities, also, make the show look overly scripted with a tired and outdated format. The show has no energy or excitement.