| 31 October 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
    Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    andy-168-53555 Finished watching Britz and it was excellent on all levels. Another example of Kosminsky portraying multi layers of a complex, deep rooted, fragile sociopolitical issue (as he did so consummately in The Promise). He shows major flaws in opposing cultures but also wills the audience to see things from more than one perspective. By telling the story of cause and effect then revenge, on an individual's level, he portrays the bigger picture brilliantly.
    paul2001sw-1 'Britz' attempts to look at the psychology of contemporary British Muslims, a worthy subject in the age of suicide bombings. Two siblings feature in this drama, and both are viewed with sympathy: a man who joins the security service, and his sister, who become a terrorist. Unfortunately, episode one, centred on the former, is plain daft. MI5 is presented much as it is in 'Spooks': beautiful people, high tech-gadgetry, and a general air of cool. It didn't convince me one iota as real, and seemed as littered with false detail like a bad sci-fi film: for example, we see implausible network analysis graphics on the screens of the agents, whose sinister form was presumably preferred to taking any real network analysis package and putting a real network through it. It's still amazing to me that in the 21st century, films try to impress by simulating imagined computer technology with mock-ups less impressive than the real thing. This point may sound like a geekish digression, but it illustrates a more fundamental truth: that the world we see is a false one, right down to the old cliché of the supposed desk officer going out to find the terrorists by himself when his bosses won't believe him.Episode two, his sister's story, isn't as silly, but I didn't find that it completely convinced me that the character, who seems rational and sarcastic, would actually end her own life. The suggestion is made that she acts out of anger rather than religious belief; but I am uncertain whether a sane, intelligent and secular human being can really take a decision to commit suicide; her experiences, although tough, do not justify the extreme nihilism of her position. The aim is undoubtedly to make us understand the mind of a bomber; but while Nasira is understandable , she loses plausibility as a result. Additionally, the drama in both episodes is often heavy-handed, rather clumsily making its points. But 'Britiz' is not rubbish. In places, its an interestingand thoughtful look at certain aspects of life in Britain and Pakistan that are often unreported. But in its efforts to make a bigger statement about a greater and more terrifying mystery, this ambitious film over-reaches itself.
    anon anon First of all, the drama had set out good hopes to help shed light on how Someone Under Pressure from All Directions can be motivated to do something stupid, in this case, Do a Suicide Bomb.The drama started positively, two siblings, each going their own way; the brother joining MI5, the sister eventually wanting to Attack Britian with a "Suicide Bomb". The drama however, ended up with a "James Bond"-esquire feel and became rather stereo-typical and surreal rather than what it was meant to be, a guide as to how those responsible for 7/7 would have been motivated.(Spoler) The fact that the Main Character, Naseema, Was a not-so-religious woman, sleeping with men and obviously very laid back, Suffered a tragedy when her friend was abused by Police Officors and took her own Life. Naseem to quickly became influenced by "Terrorist sympathisers" it was rather silly and absurd how it was as if it was normal.Also the fact how it was made as if it was normal for a Muslim to sympathise with terrorists, even after World-Wide Condenmnation left a lot to be asked.I think the Show did a good job Pointing out the fact there are too many Absurd Laws obviously set to target Muslims, and Silly Policies which are actually affecting Muslims. How Raids and Attacks against Muslims are almost Accepeted and "Normal". Pressuring Muslims and singling them out. Also the fact that the current wars have done no good and made it harder for everyone. How Muslim Women are raped in US "POW" Prisons, and Men are Abused in US "POW" Prisons. A Bleack Picture is given as to how helpless UK Muslims feel when any attempt to protest goes Unheard and simply brushed away. The only hope being to "Fight fire with fire"However i felt the Drama could have done to avoid Cliché "Terror" and "Evil" Stereotypes.Thankfully the world we know is not as Grimm and Pessismistic as this, but does paint a picture the Government needs to sort its act out; making Equality a proper priority, and to condemn atrocities carried out in the Backward Wars "Against Terror".
    Imtiaz Mohammad Davidson What the hell were you doing staring in a Television Drama that is so weak in narrative structure that i honestly thought i was watching an episode of East Enders.What the hell does the director Peter Kosminsky know about being this topic? On reading an article about the director what does he know about British Muslims???"British Muslims are fantastically angry and disillusioned," he says. "They are infuriated by a foreign policy that appears to be an attack on Muslims worldwide – a new Crusade – and a shockingly large series of security measures which seem to be aimed solely at them."The man that is saying these words is white, Jewish, privately educated and in his fifties. He is drinking tea at his beautiful cottage in the Wiltshire countryside. Yet he is trying to describe how a young, moderate medical student from Leeds could become so outraged by what is happening around her that she is willing to strap on explosives. This is just so weak, Its an excuse for C4 to pretend that they are covering controversial topics regarding stories about post 911 yet they are still are made by white middle class film-makers? If C4 were insistent in employing a white director why didn't they let Michael Winterbottom make this film He would of clearly done a better job.The character for Nasima was totally outrageous and unbelievable Yet Kosminsky insists her motives are fact. Kosminsky also states that he knows a lot of people will be angry! You have got that right we are angry because it was such a weak story and by far this is radical drama.I am also disappointed by Riz Ahmed, your performance was good, but what were you doing working on such a weak premise ,that is only exploiting and sensationalising Radical Islam. A complete farce.Riz if your reading this i suggest you next time pick your film projects wisely. As there will be a number of British Muslims that will feel that you have let them down1- 10 a disappointment! I suggest C4 begin to employ the next generation of British Pakistani's & British Muslim writer & directors who would paint a more realistic picture behind a story which needs authentic voices. Not White Middle Class film directors that have just jumped on the bandwagon. Its about time we hear the real voices of British Pakistani Muslims for a change.Shame on you C4!