| 01 February 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    Andrew Beard I am extremely disappointed with the new series of Benidorm. I have enjoyed watching earlier series as the characters were engaging and funny. As the series progressed the comedy got better and the characters story's became very watchable. This trend has completely disappeared with series 8-10. Some of the characters are still enjoyable and funny to watch especially the ever funny Mateo and the lovable Liam. For starters Lesley has got nothing left to give and I feel extremely sorry for Tim Healey who has played the part so well up until now, it seems to me that writers just have nothing new left to give him. Kenneth has just become a laughable joke it is the same thing over and over again. The main family the Dawson's just aren't funny and never have been since they were put in to replace the oh so funny Garveys (they should never have left) the Dad and grandad have just become letchs over their sons girlfriend who was underused. The constant letch fest over the first half of the series is ridiculous, I especially couldn't stand the awful Loretta who is just so unfunny I turn away every time she's on screen as the rubbish that comes out of her mouth is unbearable. The rubbish that she utters is mind numbing and the characterisation is awful. The absolutely ridiculous Pauline is back yet again pissed every time she's on screen which just makes her unwatchable, she has nothing new to give. Monty and Temple Savages relationship is just utter boredom, same jokes every week and nothing new to give. Boring dialogue, unfunny jokes, overused sexual innuendos and over acting and under acting of the worst kind have absolutely ruined what was a very good series for 7 years. Well done to the Benidorm writers for absolute killing the series dead. I will not be tuning in again !!
    ianlouisiana "Benidorm" is a wonderful,true,touching and hilarious portrait of the British abroad.These folk are not "Europeans",they are Brits,proud,bloody - minded,funny,sharp and generous with everything but money. Noticeably short of jolly cockneys,the programme concentrates on folk from that mythical area north of Watford where few of us southerners dare tread,Lancashire. Determined to have a good time they have plumped for an "all - in" package holiday at a Benidorm hotel that seems stuck in a 1980s parallel universe. All human life is there.With its glorious vulgarity,its desperation, its misunderstandings,deceits,hopeless hopes and large and small tragedies. The writing is spot on,the cast incomparable,the characters as real as your friends from the pub or factory. If I pick the Garvey family for special mention it is because they are closer to being a real family than any other I've seen in even the most prestigious productions. Also outstanding is the brilliant Mr J.Vegas and the sublime Miss A.Cruttenden. Forget any patronising criticism you may have read,"Benidorm" tells you more about Britain and the British in the 21st century than a dozen TV documentaries or the entire ouevre of the fashionable Mr Loach and his companions in condescention and it's gloriously rudely funny to boot.
    Syl Most Britons prefer to spend their summer vacations in Spain, Florida, or elsewhere. In this series, a mixed group of families spend time at an unusual resort in Alicante, Spain. I only caught one episode on a flight so I don't have the luxury of seeing the other episodes. It appears to be the second season opener with the same family arriving to the Spain resort, a couple who allows her husband to carry all the luggage and makes a gruesome discovery about her parents. I love Janine Duvitsky and remember her fondly from Waiting for God as plain Jane Edwards. Here, she is the complete opposite. Sheila Reid plays the grandmother with a new boyfriend who prefers to wear short and tight bathing suit. Anyway, the families arrive and remember what happened last year. While the premise needs work, the cast appear to be having a ball away in sunny Spain.
    allyno3 This programme is awful example of the bias the Manchester media holds over my city.that of Liverpool. Has liverpool wronged them at some time? ITV are one of those who likes to jump on the lets pull Liverpool down band wagon. It is promoted as a comedy.Take the Telle character,we are meant to laugh at her predicament yet that is what most girls in Liverpool are like,no escape. Or our home-grown Jonathan Vegas as a Jabba the Hut style moron. This is trying to say that people from Liverpool in particular make Rik Waller look thin.please ITV,reason these things before you make them. A proud and true scouser.