Bear Grylls: Mission Survive
Bear Grylls: Mission Survive
| 20 February 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
    PodBill Just what I expected
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    bushidoie I'm really enjoying Mission Survive, it's a great way of doing it, bringing in people who are interesting characters and letting them have a crack at surviving; and then sending them packing when they fail. It's really different to other shows that send people home, because survival is literally life or death, it's not like not singing a song properly in an acerbic poser's opinion, this is literally the difference between living and dying. And Bear's far more polite than those characters tend to be.Partly this show proves a point that Bear has made numerous times: very few people would survive in the wild, though most think they could.At a ground level, it's not just the ultra-survival guy teaching survival skills, it's a group of people learning those skills for the first time for themselves, and using their initiative to keep going. It feels a lot more genuine to the average person because these are novices, and the learning they're gaining feels more relatable because of that. Equally, the fact that they're using their initiative shows that there isn't one answer to a problem, something that due to the constraints of time usually gets lost in translation in survival shows, where the expert simply does everything the best possible way.Aside from the deeper, general societal implications, (and the thinking it generates about skills we've lost) the show is nicely paced, with challenging, interesting situations that the celebrities have to overcome. I always enjoy Bear's way of presenting information, teaching, challenging and encouraging people, he's a really good people person, and definitely embodies what he tries to preach: cheerfulness in adversity.Really enjoying the show, and I only really knew Tom Rosenthal and (sort of) Jamelia and Mike Tindall. The other celebrities have been really good though, some arguments and disagreements were good drama and very human, and at other times they've all applied good teamwork and strategy, which can be really encouraging. And on that point, I think this does encourage you to learn more of the skills survival actually implies, it highlights the truth.10 out of 10, between this, Born Survivor, Man vs Wild, and The Island with Bear Grylls, I think the man is just constantly producing excellent content. Keep it up Bear!
    Daniel-goodliffe The show is fantastic! The amount of stuff bear grylls puts them through, is very entertaining and grips you as a viewer, would defiantly recommend watching it.I've watched other shows that have put certain people through risks surviving in drastic situations and they were awful, but this Is worth watching.The reason upon why I did not rate it 10 out of 10 is because I think there should be much more determined characters and a couple more challenging challenges.You would love this if you like celebrities struggling to survive.
    Perry Bee Is this show terrible? No not really but it is like eating the same pizza for the last 20 years, same taste, same smell, same look and just a repeat of the same old thing, yeah I am sort of over these shows, it is the same thing again and again, and bringing in celebrities into the mix might only work if you know who they are, otherwise it is the same old same old boring viewing!Look somewhere else people, surely there must be something better than this? The same old boring Bear pissing in a bottle stuff does not do it anymore.1 star for me!