TV-14 | 22 January 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
    Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
    dinalt10 So many good series cut short by Fox Exec's, usually thanks to poor scheduling etc.The tragedy is they pick up a proper audience when sold to other countries, or shown on Netflix etc.Backstrom had the potential to be a great TV show (as with most of Fox's canceled shows). I'm just watching on Netflix, and am annoyed to know there probably won't ever be another series.Anyway, the characters were progressing well. As with many first seasons, it takes a few episodes for the characters to develop. Hence why I've only scored it 7. Had the potential to score higher, if Fox actually had confidence in their shows.As it is, the whole world suffers more and more 'reality' show garbage, while TV shows aren't given a chance.
    tiger86-2 This show could be amazing. It could become an incredible hit. It could be groundbreaking.Alas, Fox, being the idiots that they are, brutally murdered it. There is no other way to describe what they did to "Backstrom". They barely marketed it. They put it in the worst possible time slot. And, to top it all, they made sure to air the episodes in the wrong order. And that, my friends, ruined the show's continuity. Of course, given the fact that the episodes are more or less stand alone, that is not such a big deal, but it sends a lot of the character development right down the toilet. Two Backstrom's team members fall in love, but instead of seeing their feelings gradually developing during the course of the season, in one episode we see them kissing and sharing deep secrets and in a later episode they act as if they just barely know each other. The same with Backstrom's self destructing nature. In one episode he can be a complete wreck and in the next one he can be a relatively normal, although flawed man.And so on. Fox really messed the continuity of the show up, which is why it won't be surprising if some people think it doesn't make sense. And this is a pity, because "Backstrom" is a real jewel. It is laugh out loud funny and heartbreakingly sad, it is optimistic and pessimistic, it is... It is just that good. Backstrom is an incredible character, flawed and mean, but good at heart and with the soul of a child. The members of his team are all interesting characters with distinct personalities. The cases are well written, although very unrealistic. The dialogue is witty and funny, and the acting is great.And, at least, the show does not end with a cliffhanger. Yes, Backstrom's final words are, "Now what?" but we are given a nice closure.But, yes, Fox messed up. Badly. That is what they do. They either milk a show until it dies, and a few years after that, like they did with "Bones" and "House M. D.", or they actively sabotage it and eventually axe it, like they did with "Firefly", "Almost Human", "Dollhouse"... Why? Just... Why?
    starmovie2000 Backstrom is all you need to watch. Grumpy detective, who get into a person and find out with his eyes how he/she is, and how get to any situation. It's starts with a rainy day, red cape and a big cigar. Backstrom looks like he is disinterested of his cases, and love to hunt the suspect, get into their point of view to figure out how they made it. His ex fiancée, let him feel that he could have a change but let him down, when she refused him and tel him about her new boyfriend. His father is a big crag he have to work on it, and by hunting his father he find dirty background of his family. Just kidding, but she should at this point not forget valentine, his roommate, a friendly gay guy who keep his mind up to new ideas. Watch Backstrom, I try not to spoil to much. Enjoy it, you will love it. Who else would miss to watch grumpy detective.
    matt-silesia I hesitated checking out Backstrom because of the bad to mixed reviews I've read about it but for Rainn Wilson sake I gave it a try. And was not disappointed.I've seen the first three episodes and I've enjoyed all of them. I agree that the writing could be better but the cases were solid and solved in a believable way (no C.S.I-stuff). The dialogues and Backstroms monologues are quite fun and I laughed a few times during each episode. What I didn't like was that all the flaws and character traits of all the main characters were way to obvious and were introduced within the first 30min of the show.It's not The Wire but then again hardly any crime show is but in my opinion it is right up there with Mentalist, White Collar and shows like that. No flawless depiction of police work but a fun show with an edgy main character and an outstanding cast.In conclusion, yes the self-destructive, grumpy, jerky main character is hardly a unique idea and Backstrom sure does resemble Dr. House and yes the writing is sometimes a bit blunt and may also be factually wrong at times. If those things bother you, the show is not for you. But if you can overlook these flaws you'll have fun with Backstrom. And not to forget: Rainn Wilson!