Angry Boys
Angry Boys
TV-14 | 11 May 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    jackspinozashaw After initial disappointment I found this series to hit something above the normal. As the stories developed I realised I was not watching Lilley but watching entirely authentic characters. He is a great actor, writer and commenter on society. The characters are like from a modern Ibsen play; good characters but not necessarily of good character. As the narratives slowly piece together (and it is a very gradual process) something emerged for me that was close to the sublime; a humanity that is more important than the comedic values, a sincerity that is more valuable than the dramatic qualities and a genuine compassion for the characters. I am so happy I stayed with it and watched the series in it's entirety. The emotional gratification in the latter episodes had me overwhelmed at times.
    dE_cimal Angry Boys is a hugely ambitious new series from Chris Lilley – and one that I feel has been misunderstood by some viewers. While not as consistently funny as his previous shows, I found this to be the most engaging – with well drawn characters who you grow to care about more and more as the series progresses. Even though there were only a handful of hilarious moments per episode, I still felt that the series was solidly entertaining – incorporating moments of obscurity, profanity, profundity and tragedy – but while also managing to be funny and uplifting.Some have criticised the amount of characters that Lilley brings to the screen in this series, but I never considered this aspect of the show to be excessive. Across 12 episodes, 6 characters felt like the right amount – and not every character is featured in every episode. Furthermore, the plots were often interwoven – both physically and thematically. Others have criticised the appearance of the characters – suggesting that they are not believable, or that they look too much like Lilley. However, this was never an issue for me. Using Gran as an example, the mannerisms, the attitude and the voice were more than enough for me to feel that she was her own character. I actually consider the understated physical differentiation between each character to be a huge triumph – demonstrating Lilley's great skill as an actor, while immersing the viewer into a strange Being John Malkovich esque parallel universe where all of the main characters look exactly the same.Overall, I feel that Angry Boys is an accomplished series, but perhaps not one that will benefit from repeated viewings to quite the same extent as his previous shows. Nonetheless, I feel that it is further proof of Chris Lilley's diverse range of talents – and I for one cannot wait to see what he does next.(Can't finish the review without giving a special mention to Jen Okazaki - Chris' most appalling and hilarious creation to date!)
    alfiekewl10 When I first hear about this show from a friend, I didn't really care much for it, I thought just another comedy show, but I was very wrong, when I watched the first episode on BBC iPlayer I was absolutely blown away,it was a very funny show, but yet very realistic, the comedy is not over the top, the characters are fantastic and very well played, and the last few episodes show that the show can be very emotional, I had never heard of Chris Liley before this show, and as I looked him up on IMDb he seems to be quite famous in Australia, I will have to look up some more of his work overall 10 out 10, a very good show and I hope there are more series to come!
    kingerz55 It is no surprise to see this show bleed so many viewers so quickly and make so many 'Disappointment of 2011' lists here in Australia. It looked to be one of the year's most anticipated TV releases, and many of us hoped for something of the brilliance of Summer Heights High. Were we wrong! One wonders why even those few left watching bother. Apart from a forlorn hope that the show will capture some of Chris' past brilliance, I cannot think why anyone would be. The main problem is that the show just isn't funny. There is so little unforced irony, parody or satire:it is just plain dull. Chris has recycled his characters so often by now that all one sees are echoes of the really great characters of his past like Jonah and Mr Gee. It's like a very low quality retread of his quality work. and actually plain embarrassing to watch. Many have commented on the bucket-loads of offensive 'jokes' Chris seems to think will shock his dwindling audience into laughing, but this seems a lot like desperation by now. Whilst most artists seem to have a Prime, it is sad to think that Chis may have past his already. Let's hope not. Better luck next time, mate!