Catfish: The TV Show
Catfish: The TV Show
TV-14 | 12 November 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
    O2D I used to enjoy this show, even with the 10 minute commercial breaks. It was fun to see how stupid people can be. But about 2 years ago the show became 100% fake. I don't even care that they started have some "celebrity" guests that no one has ever heard of or the fact that it's always impossible to tell the sex of the guest. Or that the names are always something like Mecca and Tanner or Shakokwa and Shanaynay. I don't even care that they stole the name of the show from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. This show has done the classic MTV move of proving that you are stupid and will watch anything.
    stuartfeltcher This use to be an entertaining show but they jumped into the gay cat-fishing thing most of the public could care less about. Where's the excitement in seeing the person of the opposite sex (usually) being something looking really nasty at the end? Here we get some guy, as in one recent episode saying the guy he met on Tinder asking for the cat-fished guy's balls to meet the online person's spaghetti....which sounds like code for one of them shoving their manhood where the other guy defecates from. That's gross and no one wants to watch a show about it. They had a good thing going but the gay stuff is really reaching deep into the barrel and would only appeal to watchers that are hardcore PC worshipers. Real people are better to pass on it now.
    graven420 i could not agree more with the other review i will leave it at that anything by Ariel Schulman is not worth watching and his brother sucks just as much i would honestly watch a blank screen over anything created by those two i hate directors that lie if they would be straight up then i wouldn't mind but they lie about everything the movie they made = fake this show = fake paranormal activity boring and a bunch of senseless angles i suggest if you don't feel like wasting your life then don't watch this. and this is something that gos out to the people stupid enough to believe fake profiles online its called a freaking webcam im sory but if someone your talking to says they don't have one or don't know how to use it then obviously they are full of crap and if they do provide you with a webcam then its as simple as getting them to write your name on paper to know that it is real if you fall for fakes your an idiot
    laws1791 The initial film was mildly entertaining, and the TV series takes the ridiculousness to a new level. Like the film, it has some truth to it and the characters add much to the entertainment level, not necessarily the idea of people manipulating and duping others over the internet. We've know that for years! I will admit that I do not like any form of reality TV simply because it is scripted and not genuine, and that goes for this TV series. To use an example of real-life, unscripted "documentary-style" TV entertainment, I would use Cops as an example. You have real individuals who are quite the character, real-time footage (nothing re- enacted), but you only get snippets of the life of the individuals involved in the show. If you like this style of fake, reality TV, then it will nonetheless entertain you and allow you to converse with others as if the scenarios on the show did indeed happen. But if you enjoy the fictional, scripted comedy as with other shows, this show may insult your intelligence, which in this case, you would not be watching these shows to begin with.