10-8: Officers on Duty
10-8: Officers on Duty
| 28 September 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    pereichhorn-1 I have just watched an episode of this, let me put it mildly, sorry excuse for a police show. Especially the plot is thin and rather unrealistic. The first thing that came to my mind was :" OMG is this written and paid for by the LAPD?". The second thing was "Hmm a dramatization of C.O.P.S., and poorly done as well." It might be a matter of taste, but the way the cops are portrayed as everyday heroes is very, very sickening. Don't'get me wrong, I respect the police and what they stand for, but this is just a tad too much. Deputy Barnes telling his trainee that he felt he let him down, because he (the trainee) went in to a house being prejudiced towards its tenants and than stating that being a member of the force isn't about that? And all people involved, either criminals or others, listening to the members of the force? That's hardly how it's going down in real life. Give me shows like NYPD Blue or Criminal Intent where life isn't portrayed as black and white, but with all the different layers in between.No wonder that it apparently only ran for one season....
    ernieswanks_757 This show reminds me of the days when I was a "Rookie" Police Officer for the City of Ventura, California. I could relate totally to the way Deputy Amonte was being treated like "Crap" by the other Officers. You got a sense of how you're not fully accepted into the group until you "Prove Yourself" to the other Officers that you work with. In that sense, the show was very realistic.It was amazing to me that with all of the chase scenes, shootings, taking of hostages, fist fights, etc; I never once saw ANY of the Deputies show any type of Report Writing.I realize that this is Hollywood & they try to show all of the exciting action type "stuff" but they need to show some type of realism because, all of the above mentioned situations requires some type of Crime Report, Incident Report, Traffic Report, etc.Report Writing is the "Backbone" of Police Work, yet the show never even "skims the surface" of this important function.Further, Deputy Amonte seemed to always get the "Pretty Women" & he was just a "Rookie". I KNOW that this NEVER HAPPENS during the period when you are a "Trainee." Another thing I noticed was the relationship between Deputy Amonte & his "Training Officer" Deputy Barns (Ernie Hudson), was for the most part "too friendly." especially as the series progressed into the later episodes.When I was a "Trainee," there was NO relationship that even resembled anything like "Friendly," In fact, we HATED our Training Officers!!! When these "dynamics" began to be noticed, I felt it impacted the show in a "negative" way.I guess that's the difference between playing the part of a Police Officer & actually BEING a Police Officer. I feel that in order for a Police Show to be "credible" it must show ALL aspects of Police Work & not just the "exciting" part of it.The "ironic" thing about it is the fact that the person who only "plays" the Police Officer role as an actor gets more money than the person who's REALLY out there doing "REAL POLICE WORK"!!!All of the other aspects of this show were portrayed pretty good for the most part.
    jwrowe3 I like what a previous poster said about this show feeling like it was from the 1970's, along the lines of cop dramas from that era. I couldn't agree more. I thought pretty much the same way myself, and saw a little "Hill Street Blues" tossed in as well.Perfect ensemble show. Ernie Hudson is a great actor, and I found myself liking the rest of the cast, as well.Give it a look. Congratulations ABC TV, "10-8" and "LA Dragnet" have got me watching your network, again.2005 update.So, ABC cancels it.
    budikavlan This is an old-fashioned cop show, like The Rookies or TJ Hooker. As such, it acquits itself nicely, but it's unlikely to attract much attention. In the right timeslot, it might last long enough to smooth out the storytelling and develop the characters, in which case it could build up a loyal audience. Ernie Hudson brings the proper authority to the gruff training cop, and all three rookies are appropriately green. I guess what I'm saying is that if there's not anything else you're hooked on watching, 10-8 makes a good solid backup. But I wouldn't invest too much interest in the show, as it's not a good bet to stand the test of time.
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