TV-14 | 27 September 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    catherine_pochin I'm rating higher than normal due to all the negative reviews.The show had a tricky start but it's got a really interesting story line. It's not meant to be the Walking Dead for gods sake and all these shows don't need to follow the same boring format. I think these guys are brave to try something different and for one appreciate it.Also GIRL POWER - it's great to see a leading lady for a change. That's probably why people don't like it! Well done - hope for a series 2
    buiger Oh my God! There is bad, and apparently then there is really, really bad! I cannot even imagine who sits up at night and thinks up all this nonsense... It is unbelievable. And then, in the morning, there is somebody in a studio somewhere that actually reads this trash and gives it the go ahead... Then there is actually someone who funds the project, and someone who then actually films it... How this is possible is beyond me.It is difficult for me to even try to write an actual review for this series. This show has 'everything'; zombies, different zombies, mythical monsters, cataclysmic volcanic eruptions, pandemic virus outbreaks, the plague, black holes, and so on and so forth... There is absolutely nothing to salvage: the script is completely ridiculous, the acting is nothing short of farcical, the cinematography and special f/x look so cheesy they are almost funny, etc. etc.It is so bad it is beyond words.
    SnoopyStyle The Copeland family finds themselves struggling to survive the end of the world. The world faces a seemingly endless number of calamities. The father Joshua Copeland (James Tupper) is a cultural history professor. The mother Karen Copeland (Anne Heche) is ex-military. With their three teen kids, Matt (Levi Meaden), Brianna (Taylor Hickson), and Dana (Julia Sarah Stone), they try to stay together and escape various dangers in their RV.This show is a mess of sci-fi monsters of the week. The characters are simply there and so is the apocalypse. After a few episodes, the show started losing me with the mounting mess. There seems to be no rules or stability. Everything is up for grabs. It takes until episode 9 when the characters come up with an explanation. The girls start wondering if time itself is screwed up. It's like an idea about the show suddenly lit up. The show is a mess because the world is suppose to exist in a mess. The mess itself makes perfect sense. This apocalypse is a world of chaos where it would be impossible to understand and survival is the only good outcome. The problem is that it needed almost the entire first season to get a hold of this show and by then, almost nobody is watching.
    debbie-iancu I watched the whole season online in about three days. I don't count it as a waste of my time because I really did find the show amusing, in a "I can't believe how stupid this is" kind of way. First of all there is basically no running plot that connects the episodes except "the world is ending and here is this brainless family driving around aimlessly getting into trouble". Themes arise and disappear at random. In the first episode there are skin walkers that appear now and then in a few other episodes but completely disappear later on (and at no point do the protagonists deduce that if you kill a person with a skin walker inside them, the closest person becomes infected. It happened at least three times but nobody picked up on it). The terrible "plague" that decimated the population can apparently be cured completely by taking a common antibiotic easily purchased in stores. So how did that even become a problem? The relationships in this show are so ridiculous, every person they meet becomes an immediate love interest or homicidal maniac. After the first four or five times people try to kill them you would expect that they stop picking up hitchhikers and going into places alone but no.. at no point do they learn from experience. They have absolutely no learning curve. Don't bother getting attached to anyone outside the family, everybody dies. They just shrug and move on. Even the Mother's sister dying did not seem like a big deal for more than five minutes. My view of the writers meetings: - "wouldn't it be cool if we had a dragon/water demon/time travel/meteors/if we blew up the moon/everyone disappears/a volcano erupts...." -"yeah. let's do that". -"How do we work it into the story?", - "You know, just write 'they encounter {plot theme} while driving". -"Great, so let's go for pizza". By the last episode i was really ready for the earth to be demolished by meteors... Sadly that didn't happen. This series needed to be put out of it's misery. But watch it anyway if you like stupid mindless sci-fi with every single theme ever invented.