Zombie Planet
Zombie Planet
| 19 October 2004 (USA)
Zombie Planet Trailers

When a pharmaceutical company develops a new wonder drug, its customers turn into zombies. T. K. Kane, a mysterious outsider, arrives in a community terrorized by local warlord Adam. Kane protects the community and hunts down the zombies plaguing them.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
only_myschly Now, I'm a big fan of Zombie movies. I admit Zombie movies usually aren't all that good, but I like them anyways. Despite the crappy acting and worthless dialogues that occur in almost all Zombie movies, this one is by far the worst. See, there are a few ground rules with zombie-movies. 1. Zombies are suicidal. Tactics is seldom used, and NEVER do they act like a boxer. They don't dodge a blow to the head, they take it with a ugly smile. They don't try and hit you in the face, they grab a hold of your arm and bite it! 2. Zombies can't speak. Only in Evil Dead. Otherwise, they DO NOT SPEAK. 3. You don't fight zombies with melee-ranged weapons. You loose in a melee fight against zombies. Firearms are used. In this movie however, melee is the way to go, which is wrong. Very wrong.It had NO redeeming qualities.If you wish to see a Zombie movie, see one with an average score higher than 3 on IMDb.com
plan9-10 Set in the near future a dark stranger walks into some southern American city plagued by zombies. Settling with a group of friendly face inhabitants our stranger learns the harsh realities of city life. There are two groups of people; the upper classes who dwell safely behind the concrete walls of the city being provided by, at the right price, the state police. Then there are our friendly face inhabitants. These lower class folks live along side the zombies. There only means of survival is to trade goods, which they forage for during the day, with the police in exchange for tins of food. Our stranger discovers why his world is plague by zombies. A new dietary pill that suppressed the craving for carbohydrates was the foundation. The human race's desire to shed fat caused the down fall of society as we know it. These pills increased the desire for protein i.e. meat, even the pet poodle. However, there was one more grave side affect, after death people became reanimated with an even stronger craving for protein namely human flesh.With what I feel is an imaginative introduction I felt that this film many realise some inventive material. What better way could explain the cause of the zombie race than by a contemporary idea of people's desire to make any sacrifice to change their body without the hard work of the gym? However, the imagination of this film soon stopped after this exposition. This film falls into the old trap of 'I can not imagine what the world will be like when society collapses'. When you watch this film you do not escape to a different world as you do when you watch Planet of the Apes (original), Alien, Mad Max or Texas Chain Saw (original). In this film the alternate society is define by people with hair dyed orange and green. Face paint and charity shop leather jackets. There is no harshness about life in this alternate society, just healthy faces and over made-up zombies. Films should allow you to escape not remind you that you need to clear out your wardrobe and take your old cloths to the charity shop.Forget about some of the pitiful acting, or the over made-up zombies. This film fails because it is too polished, too congenial and too predictable. I have watch films like this since the early eighties. If you are going the make a film of this nature I suggest you need to watch again such films as Dawn of The Dead (original and remake), Threads or Fulci's Zombie to see and experience that feeling of desperation in a devastate society.
DrDoom67 I work at the video store that rents this video in Lexington and I must say...it should have never been made. I even know some of the people who worked on it who regret doing so. Bad effects, horrid acting, bad script especially. I swear the dialog wouldn't have passed for the original PSX Resident Evil; it's that bad. If you want to know how not to make a movie, watch this film to learn a thing or two. If not, don't waste your time. And even the director know it sucks because he keeps coming in to try to get us to upsale the movie. No sir. I've watched two-thirds of the horror section and this rates even lower than Plan 9 from Outer Space. Even Ed Eood would have said, "Nope. That's too stupid even for me."
Backlash007 ~Spoiler~A zombie flick was practically filmed in my backyard, I know people who are in/worked on the movie, and it still escaped my knowledge. How did that happen??? I still don't know, but it hit DVD and a copy found its way into my hands. I couldn't wait to watch it so a lot of people came over and we made an event out of it. Sadly to say, we were all disappointed. It's hard to write a negative review for it because I feel like I'm rooting against the home team or something. But there are some aspects to the film that could have been drastically better. My biggest complaint is the pacing. Zombie Planet clocks in at 2 hours!! WHAT?? That's just not necessary. And the sad part is it ends with a "to be continued" feel. Where was the editor? So many scenes could have been cut down...needed to be cut down. Just fixing that alone would have made this film light years better. Most of the acting is laughable, but that's to be expected. You can't really complain a whole lot. They're all amateurs, but with so many familiar faces on the screen it's hard not to laugh. Everyone kept saying "Wow, I know that guy." or "I've seen that guy on campus." So that was equally fun and distracting. But the two main characters, Kane and Adam, did fine and that's enough to please me. Another plus is the make-up. Some of the gore is really amazing and it definitely holds up. It's probably the film's biggest strength. Too bad the zombies weren't used more. Much of the movie is backstory and talking. And that's just not what I want to see with a movie titled Zombie Planet. I want to see loads of zombie mayhem and carnage. Another strength was the plot. The zombie plague in this film was brought about due to experimental weight-loss supplements. Of course, they work a little too well and you know what happens next. This is especially effective considering the carb craze as of late. From there the film enters post-apocalyptic territory and it may have been too ambitious for the budget. Maybe the director can fix these problems in Zombie Planet 2: Adam's Revenge. And maybe I'll like the film a bit more when I get some sort of conclusion that was missing from this movie.