Zombie High
Zombie High
R | 02 October 1987 (USA)
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A woman goes to previously all-male boarding school on a scholarship. She begins to separate herself from her boyfriend in order to devote more time to her new environment...

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
FlashCallahan Andrea goes to a previously all-male boarding school on a scholarship. She begins to separate herself from her boyfriend in order to devote more time to her new environment, and the director of the Ghostbusters reboot. Over a course of time she notices that more and more students have lost their individuality, and approach their activities in a lifeless and automatic manner. Eventually a diabolical plot fostered by the faculty begins to emerge........The first thing you need to know about Zombie High is the fact that the film features not one Zombie. It's about the undead, and if it were called Vampire High, it would have suited the film better.And to be honest, it's not a very good film. We get to spend the entirety of the film following Virginia Madsen being stalked by one of her lecturers, and then having her jealous boyfriend come and go, just to give her a hard time about her faithfulness to him.Paul Feig pops up as a styles/screech type character, but he soon just becomes an afterthought.But there are a few moments that redeem the film, even if they are amusing for the wrong reasons. The prom scene is laugh out loud funny, and the look on the singers face is priceless when he sees the way the guests are dancing.And the final five minutes where the tutors are desperate for the serum, and they run down to the basement where Andrea is and the next thing you know, they are all wearing really bad Halloween masks.So it's not a wonder that this film is long forgotten, but them again, these cheesy eighties horror films always have some redeeming factors
Mr_Ectoplasma "Zombie High" has a too-mature Virginia Madsen attending a remote prep school to the chagrin of her bad-boy boyfriend; "So when did you become an expert on prep schools?" she asks over the opening credits. But once she goes to hit the books, it becomes all too apparent that something is off with the student body and the administration, who seem a bit too primped and erudite for their own good.I had never heard of this film until Scream Factory resurrected it and put it out on Blu-ray for the first time this past week, and I'm glad it got to see the light of day, as it appears to have slipped through the cracks into '80s video hell. It apparently was a student film put together by a group of USC enrollees at the university's film & television department, but the production values don't really show—in fact, it is a rather glossy picture that looks like any other late eighties teen movie. It appears to be knocked quite a bit for the cheese factor, which I also find odd given that most, if not all, films in this vein liven up the kitsch.The film is essentially an eighties teen retelling of "The Stepford Wives," and the title is a bit misleading when taken literally—there are no zombies here in the George Romero sense of the word, and while the crux of the entire film is cribbed from the wives of Stepford, it still manages to be a somewhat sharp and witty satire on the stuffy world of New England boarding schools. Sure, it's contrived, but what late eighties horror flick isn't? The script is quirky and the pacing is well done; the subplot between Madsen's character and the vampy, suave teacher comes off as a bit half-baked by the end of it, but he is essentially the through-line that ties the events of the picture together.The acting here is really good, especially given that it is mostly delivered from film students and newcomers. Virginia Madsen is always a pleasure to watch, and possesses an old Hollywood look and performance style that seems to elevate any projects she's involved in; her role here as a young woman oppressed by forces around her precedes her not so dissimilar performance in "Candyman" a few years later. Cult icon Sherilyn Fenn, who we all know and love as Audrey from "Twin Peaks" also has a small role in the film as Madsen's roommate and peer; Paul Feig and Scott Coffey also have memorable supporting parts.Overall, "Zombie High" is a quirky eighties horror flick with tinges of teen comedy steeped in rather straightforward yet witty-enough satire. On one hand, I can understand some of the gripes people have with the film, but on the other, this is the type of movie that demands to be taken on its own terms, and in the world of late eighties thrillers (ala "Heathers"), this modest, somewhat silly horror-satire hits its marks—as a student film, I'd give it an A+. 7/10.
thatgayguymatt Not a high school but some preppy college and no zombies (unless you count the old men who played the college's staff) but lobotomized students.I only picked this up cause a favorite actress of mine Clare Carey is in it. Sadly she has a small part and plays her character using a very annoying accent.Not much happens until the last 15 minutes of the film when our leading lady Virginia Madsen tries to escape and outsmarts the college staff and finds herself trapped under the school grounds or something.No gore, no nudity, no real body count, there are one of two decent looking rotten corpses but that's it. Very similar to Disturbing Behavior.
deadguy-1 This movie isn't bad for an 80's "school-based" horror film, but it's name is misleading. It has nothing to do with voodoo zombies, or undead zombies, and although it has a single scene which delivers something similar to those types of zombie flicks, it's just not enough for the hardcore undead enthusiast.The "High" part of the name is misleading too. It certainly seems more like a College to me. That's why it scores so low on the star meter.. Most folks that are buying it now, are expecting a high-school invaded by undead folks, even the movie description doesn't really dispell this notion.Why would folks choose such a misleading name? This should have been called "tranced college" or something, not "Zombie High"In any event, if you're looking for undead folks, this is NOT the movie for you. However, if you like cheesy 80's teenage school rebellion films (complete with references to preppies, but little, or no drugs/alcohol) mixed with horror, this one is DEFINATELY for you.