Youth in Oregon
Youth in Oregon
| 11 January 2017 (USA)
Youth in Oregon Trailers

A man is tasked with driving his embittered 80-year-old father-in-law cross country to be legally euthanized in Oregon, while along the way helping him rediscover a reason for living.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
adonis98-743-186503 A man is tasked with driving his embittered 80-year-old father-in-law cross country to be legally euthanized in Oregon, while along the way helping him rediscover a reason for living. Despite the terrific cast of well known and talented actors such as Frank Langella, Billy Crudup, Josh Lucas and Christina Applegate 'Youth in Oregon' is unfortunately a drama that simply doesn't work as much as it might hoped or even as much as i did either. The overall storyline felt weak and was all over the place as well plus Peltz's role was kinda annoying too. (3/10)
Sweta Gupta This movie broke my heart ,I was depressed already came here to watch a uplifting movie as they showed in trailer but it was retard.Its seems little funny in trailer but movie there was nothing .It can even depress even a normal person.It feel like a suicidal movie and I just want to ask myself why I watched it.Now I really need to watch any uplifting videos.Trust me I hardly give something one star.
selena-71096 Spoiler alert. Here is a 80 years old man who is depressed because he is not "competent", " his candle can no longer stand, and is mournfully laid to rest in the hope of a blessed resurrection which is never to come ( I quoted Mark Twain here). His 68 years old wife "wants that candle -- yearns for it, longs for it, hankers after it", at least this is what filmmakers want us to believe, to the point that she because an alcoholic out of deprivation...LOL. This 80yo man seems to be obsessed with sex, talks about it, sees it everywhere he looks- his young granddaughter, college youth, his wife allegedly looking for sex everywhere... So he can't handle it any longer and decides to die by legal euthanasia in Oregon. His heart stenosis while restricts his life, but nowhere near the agony of people who are true candidates for euthanasia. His suffering is mostly mental. Add to this the never ending family bickering which comes, as expected, to end when grandpa decides to die and you get the picture what this movie is about. Meantime the dying grandpa throws away his walking cane and settles in a lounge chair and starts observing wild birds with a binocular. What message this movie was supposed to deliver? Please let me know, because I missed it.
blazzck6 Another attempt at fooling people with the trailer that this is another little miss sunshine movie . This movie misses completely I like the actors in this movie that's why I watched it but the script Is poor and the story line isn't great . There was no big lines to sense some closure anytime in the movie it was all over the place . The actors never got into character it seems like and they are trying to hard it's almost annoying I'm a 28 year old man thinking about getting old and doing what the motive was the movie is a waste of time . The point of the movie ? When you find out please tell me cause I am lost Oh yea Josh Lucas reappeared in a movie ! Bad one to chose