Alpha and Omega
Alpha and Omega
PG | 17 September 2010 (USA)
Alpha and Omega Trailers

Two young wolves at opposite ends of their pack's social order are thrown together into a foreign land and need each other to return home, but love complicates everything.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Cody Alpha And of several animated movies to be released in 2010. How To Train Your Dragon, Toy Story 3, and Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga'Hoole were great. Despicable Me...I'm not a fan of it, but I did see a lot of charm in there. Alpha And Omega, however, is probably the weakest out of those.The animation is meh, not too bad but not too good. There are several parts like the dark side of the moon that could be fixed, and not to mention a goose carrying a wolf while flying.And the characters...Kate seems like the usual female character who's responsible, athletic, and smart while Humphrey is the goofy guy in love with her and doesn't have a clue that she's not interested in him. I do like Lily and Garth; even though they knew each other for hours or maybe a few days, the chemistry they have is pretty nice (I guess animal romance is pretty quick). And I do like Eve and her quotes like "take your beautiful teeth, go for the throat, and don't let go until he stops breathing" (paraphrased). Marcel and Paddy...I don't really care much for them.The music score for this is decent, but not as memorable as in The Lion King, Dinosaur, or Kung Fu Panda. Plus, I like the idea of wolves living in large packs, but to have many alphas and omegas? There's usually an alpha couple and one omega. I know I'm trying to give logic to a kid's movie, but it never hurts to try.So on a scale from one to ten, I would rate this a 5 out of 10 (5/10). All in all, I wouldn't entirely recommend this...but it's a big step over its awful sequels.
pinkarray The animation and design is ugly and some of the worst, blandest animation I have ever seen in a film. It looked really out-dated. Whoever animated this should never work on cartoons again.The story, who cares? From the beginning of this film, I already knew the story was going to be bland and predictable.There are no lovable characters in this film. All they have interesting are a few action moments and that's all. There is only a few sweet romance scenes, but they are mostly just saccharine.The writing feels like a silly, possibly corny comedy that disregards what a comedy should be and looks like it was written by a 4-year- old. Better yet, younger children should be able to appreciate this more.Alpha's voice sounds like a high-pitched child while Omega's voice was forgettable but a little bit better.I left the film about 30 minutes into this film. Potential of what could've been a slightly better film has been wasted.
Peter Santos What really spoils this film are some (or all) characters that are weird, ugly men and children, his film's protagonist is a skinny and Wolf animated beast, I also don't really like the way he has child, who saves the whole picture is his mate, the movie didn't give me interest for the most part, got bored for a while seeing strange animations and children , only the end I liked it,gave me a certain emotion, but it does not save the whole movie, I didn't think the film very interesting, is optional only for children 10 years down, nor do I think to see the proceedings as in pictures, I can see the animations have worsened and on top of that they changed the main characters by their puppies, leaving the film even more childish , Alpha and Omega was a deception has altered your intentions for me
isaac-bell96 It's good and most of the people giving it bad reviews are stupid helicopter parents that are way over protective and people who like to expect something they have never ever seen before from a kid movie. There is like one curse word you probably won't notice(I didn't notice, but apparently after reading someone's bad review of the movie after I had watched it said that the main character said the D-word at one point, but I don't remember). Also if your mind is in the gutter you can take a little flirting and say it is a sexual reference, but its not. I liked it and watched it with my 8year old sister. I'm not going to tell you the plot, because I like to think whoever is reading this will watch the movie or learn the plot from another review. The main importance is it has these things! 1. Great plot 2. Romance between multiple characters 3. Developed Characters 4. Multiple settings 5. Good age appropriate humor 6. Great Action (as far as animal action can be, so no guns or explosions obviously.) 7. Shows a good conflict and character's struggle to solve the conflict. 8. Easy to sit down and enjoy. So I hope you will enjoy watching it and give it a good rating. You will enjoy it :D.