You're Dead...
You're Dead...
| 01 October 1999 (USA)
You're Dead... Trailers

A veteran bank robber and his sidekicks plan a heist that goes awry.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Jeremy Benjamin You're Dead is an indescribably awful attempt at a British gangster film. It has not got a single original idea in it, being an atrocious copy of various elements of Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, The Usual Suspects and Pulp Fiction. The acting and dialogue are absolutely excruciating, the plot is ludicrous and utterly predictable despite constant attempts at plot twists, and contains nothing but one dimensional stock characters and clichés. It has some good actors in it, but they are off-form, and unable to do anything much with the dreadful material they are working with. It is absolute torture to sit through this drivel.
TheNorthernMonkee BIG BIG BIG SPOILERSOk, straight away I admit this film starts slowly, but by the end, who cares? This film is amazing. John Hurt has always been one of the most underrated actors of his generation & he adds to this belief with this film. You're Dead is a hilarious film about a bank job which has gone wrong & not only features a quality soundtrack (can anyone think of a better film soundtrack than "The Hustle" by Van McCoy?!?!) but also leaves you at the end feeling warm inside. You're Dead breathes a breath of fresh air & contains a twist which no-one could expect. Worth mentioning also is that every film always seems to mention the title at some point or another. Most James Bond films finish with the final line being the title of the film (the ammount of Sean Connery films which finish with the title as the end is enourmous), but not many have as excellent a comeback as "what do you do now you're dead?" "live!" (that isn't accurate, but I know people sometimes read these despite spoilers & I don't want to give the entire twist away). This film is wonderful & definately worth a watch. Badger is a bad guy who you love to hate & that's another rarity. Too many films show a bad guy with a reasoning, it's nice to just have someone who you are disgusted by. This film is most definately worth a watch. I recommend it more than most other modern classics."do the hustle. dum dum de dum de dum dum dum, etc etc". LOVE THAT SONG!
afterlive i can´t understand why so many reviewers found this movie to be crap. in fact it is a very creative little piece of british cinema, definitely worth to take a look at. and if you have the chance (unfortunately i hadn´t), see it on the big screen. i would give it an 8/10 rating.
SynthX I've seen this film at the cinema twice now and it still has it's appeal. It is a typical British 'comedy caper' film similar to Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels. An enjoyable 98 minutes with a good cast portraying some really funny scenes. Catch it if you get the chance to, not a lot of places are showing it. You won't be disappointed.