WWE Royal Rumble 1991
WWE Royal Rumble 1991
NR | 19 January 1991 (USA)
WWE Royal Rumble 1991 Trailers

The 1991 WWE Royal Rumble was the third annual Royal Rumble professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation, and fourth overall. It took place on January 19, 1991 at The Miami Arena in Miami, Florida. The main event was the 1991 Royal Rumble match. Featured matches on the undercard were The Ultimate Warrior versus Sgt. Slaughter for the WWE Championship, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase & Virgil versus "The Common Man" Dusty Rhodes & Dustin Rhodes and The Mountie versus "The Birdman" Koko B. Ware.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
callanvass Live from Miami, FLAttendance: 16,000The Rockers Vs The Orient ExpressThe Rockers win. This was a fantastic opener. It was innovative, creative, and downright exciting. These two have always had good chemistry with each other. This was revenge for The Rockers after losing to The Orient Express at Wrestlemania 6.**** out of 5Randy Savage says Sensational Sherri is gonna bait The Ultimate Warrior into giving Savage a title shot. Sherri begs The Warrior to come out and accept her challenge. She says Sgt. Slaughter has agreed to give Macho a title shot. He thinks Warrior is yellow from the top of his head, all the way down to his toes. Sherri asks Warrior if he'll give Savage a title shot if Warrior retains the title tonight. Sherri tries seducing The Warrior by touching his chest, teasing about kissing him. Warrior spits at Sherri and yells NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at her. Savage runs out to try to get The Warrior, but he's gone. Big Bossman Vs The BarbarianBossman wins by reversing the momentum from a cross body. This was shockingly a good match. They both worked extremely hard and there were several exciting near falls. I'm not kidding. This is a solid match, considering how big both men are. Give it a chance.**3/4 out of 5Sgt. Slaughter says puke this, puke that, Ultimate Puke this, blah, blah, blah. Basically, he's gonna win the WWF title from Ultimate Warrior tonight. The Warrior cuts one of his nonsensical, yet entertaining promos.WWF ChampionUltimate Warrior (C) Vs Sgt. SlaughterSlaughter wins the title after Savage breaks a glass scepter over The Warrior's face. The crowd is ANGRY! with loud bullsh*** chants. Not a very good match, but it had a great story to it, thanks to the emotion behind it and Savage's interference's. Slaughter was awful at this point, but he was a heat magnet. He was merely a transitional champion, but I understand why they gave the title to Slaughter.*1/2 out of 5Koko B. Ware Vs The MountieThe Mountie wins, using The Big Bossman's move, ironically enough. This felt like it went on forever. It was nothing but boring filler to calm the crowd down, the crowd sensed it too, since they barely reacted. *1/4 out of 5We get a bunch of interviews to kill some time. They are all very entertaining.Ted Dibiase & Virgil Vs Dusty Rhodes & Dustin RhodesDibiase and Virgil win after Dibiase pins Dusty with a roll-up. Virgil turns face after the match by drilling Dibiase with the Million Dollar Belt. This was a below average match with one of the best face turns you will see. The crowd went nuts for Virgil. Shows you how amazing of a heel Dibiase was. Amazing stuff.*3/4 out of 5Hulk Hogan wins the Royal Rumble by Eliminating Earthquake to win it. This was a solid rumble for the most part. Bret Hart drew number 1 and went a solid 20 minutes or so. Greg Valentine was number 2 and went for over 40 minutes. He also turned face by going after Jimmy Hart. Tony Atlas returned as Saba Simba (A ridiculously bad gimmick) The Legion of Doom eliminated a dominant Undertaker. One of the Bushwhackers almost set a record for being the quickest eliminated. Rick Martel and Jake Roberts had some fun interaction. Martel broke Dibiase's record by lasting almost 60 minutes. Hogan got the biggest pop by far coming out. Even Tugboat got booed by going after Hogan. Hogan winning was the right choice, considering the Sgt. Slaughter debacle. It was good feel good moment. Overall, I enjoyed it, despite the dead weight at times.This is a very good PPV. Aside from a couple of crappy matches, it was awesome. The Rockers and The Orient Express stole the show, Bossman and The Barbarian surprised everyone, Virgil's face turn is legendary, and the WWF was turned upside down with Slaughter winning the title. Of course, everyone goes home happy with Hogan winning. Highly recommended.8/10
zkonedog After a Rumble event the previous year that, truth be told, may have been a bit disappointing, this 1991 edition comes back with a bang!As usual, the preliminaries fall a bit flat (this time "headlined" by perhaps the worst Heavyweight Title match in WWF history), but the main event is as hilarious and entertaining as usual. All the stars are given their time to shine, and there is a lot of overall energy to the event.About the only negative I can say about this tape is the absence of Jesse "The Body" Ventura from the announcing booth. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper fills in as best as can be expected, but Ventura's sardonic wit is missed.Thus, if you are looking for a great walk down memory lane, this event will do it for you!
BobbyUK Here are the matches...The Rockers vs The Orient Express: This was probably the best match these two tag teams ever had and certainly the best match of the night. Almost perfect choreography featuring some nice touches (examples being the 'accidental' bumps Kato and Tanaka take when they collide into each other and the excellent Shawn Michaels spot where he drops into the belt the Express attempt to double-clothesline him with and makes them clash into each other). The match ends in excellent fashion when Jannetty rolls up Tanaka after failing a slingshot/chop combination tag team move. An inspired start. 9/10 The Bigbossman v Barbarian: This was building up to Wrestlemania 7 as Bossman systematically defeated The Heenan Family and Barbarian was his next and biggest challenge. The match was watchable but quite slow (probably because Bossman was ensnared in the bear-hug for too long and given too much time to do the clichéd heroic comeback). Not bad in itself but probably better watched in fast-forward. 5/10 Ultimate Warrior v Sgt Slaughter for the WWF world title: You can forget about wrestling in this one as it is fuelled by controversial events. Warrior gets first blood by assaulting Slaughter after breaking the Iraqi flag and ripping it up. I find it odd that Ultimate Warrior is used in this patriotic way as his character hails from Parts Unknown, presumably from another planet. Warrior then starts choking Slaughter with the flag, forcing it in his mouth. Slaughter bumps for Warrior until 'Machoking' Randy Savage's manager Sherri comes to the ring (Warrior refused Savage a title shot if he kept the title). Warrior chases Sherri down the aisle only to get ambushed by Savage on the way to the back, dropping a spotlight stand on him. The fans urge Warrior on as he makes a desperate crawl back towards the ring. Slaughter takes control and puts Warrior in the camel clutch. Warrior gets out of it and starts to make a comeback, gorilla pressing an invading Sherri onto a returning Savage outside the ring with a lot of force. Savage gets the last laugh by smashing his sceptre in Warrior's face allowing Slaughter to get the pin. The fans were hot for this all the way through and the antics by Savage had an intensity about them. This wasn't much of a wrestling match (scores 3) but great story-telling throughout, a genuinely surprising ending, a set up match for Wrestlemania and commentators Gorilla Monsoon and 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper sell the action like Slaughter committed murder (scores 8). 5/10 Koko B Ware vs The Mountie: For a squash match against Koko this was given far too much time and it looked like both men didn't really know what to do with the time they were given. Mountie stalls quite a bit and throws Ware to the outside twice. Ware does a lot of arm flapping but completes a half-decent dropkick from the top rope and a bodycross. However, Mountie bests him with what looks like The Bossman Slam. In the Colloseum Video version this match was removed. Luckily in this case you truly haven't missed anything. 3/10Dusty and Dustin Rhodes v 'Million Dollar Man' Ted Dibiase and Virgil: Dusty Rhodes's feud with Dibiase started at Summerslam 1990. Pacing here was quite choppy to start as Dibiase was stalling the match, showing his dominance over Virgil and often scolding him if he messed up. During the match, Dustin got injured and Dusty got rolled up by Dibiase, distracted by concern for his son. This would spell the end of Dusty's often ridiculed run with the WWF and both father and son would later go to WCW. After the match, 'manservant' Virgil after 3 years of waiting on Dibiase hand on foot finally rebels and wallops Dibiase with The Million Dollar Belt becoming a face. The crowd went absolutely crazy! I'll give it 4/10 for the match and 8/10 for the aftermath so I'll make it 5/10). Royal Rumble 1991: The theme of the night was endurance and a celebration of the mid-carder. Paul Roma from 'Power and Glory' and The Undertaker almost lasted 15 minutes. Hulk Hogan, Mr Perfect, 'Crush' and 'Smash' of Demoliton and Earthquake lasted over 15 minutes, Bret Hart of Hart Foundation, Shane Douglas and Texas Tornado lasted over 20 minutes (remember Tornado did this on one foot!). Tito Santana and Hercules lasted over 30 minutes but the old-timers were Greg Valentine who entered at number 3 lasting almost 45 minutes beating Ted Dibiase's record the year before and then Rick 'The Model' Martel (wrestler of the night without a doubt) at number 6 bettered Valentine again by lasting over 50 minutes. Some Rumble highlights include Greg Valentine starting his face turn by turning on Dino Bravo, Jake Roberts chasing Rick Martel around the ring, Legion of Doom eliminating an impressive Undertaker and the start of a character turn by Tugboat who almost eliminates Hulk Hogan. Bushwhacker 'Butch' lasts a laughable 4 seconds entering the ring from one end and leaving the other. Interestingly, these wrestlers looked like they were at war, desperately doing anything they could to survive and a sharp contrast to the almost feather-like quality wrestlers have today who seem to springboard over the top rope to get eliminated far too easily.Hulk Hogan was the obvious choice to win the contest after dedicating it to the armed forces in the Persian Gulf and I'm happy with a bit of predictability now and then. Hogan eliminated 6 people before finally hoofing Earthquake over from behind to win making his second Royal Rumble win in succession. It makes you wonder how much better this rumble would have been if 'Machoking' Randy Savage showed up at number 18! Royal Rumble 1991 is often overlooked but it does have some real history to it, a wonderful opener, a crazy WWF title match and a feel-good Rumble.
jimjam20-2 here it is....this was the first pay per view that I ever saw...its not the best card or anything..its not even the best Rumble ever...but there are certalny some historical stuff here.....it has a very good Rockers vs Orient Express match, fast paced and very well done....Boss Man vs Barbarian is a pretty good power match in its own right...the infamous Sgt. Slaughter world title win (he was supporting Iraq at the time and it was during the Gulf War..and I admit I was pullin for him back then...prolly the only sixth grader in american goin for the Iraqi sympatheizer) it had Virgils' classic face turn...where he hits Ted Dibiasie with his own Million Dollar Belt...it was great...and the Rumble itself...pretty entertaining brawl over all...and it had an Iron Man like performance from one of my all time favorites....Rick Martel who lasts damn near an hour...in the end that bald son of a b*tch Hulk Hogan won yet again...over all it was a decent card...and for me...its a true classic....I dont watch wrestling anymore....the early 90s was when I was truly a fan...it might be popular now....but I miss the old days..well, thats all I have to say right now....today made 10 years since I saw it the first time....i'll never forget this event thanks for reading