WWE King of the Ring 2001
WWE King of the Ring 2001
| 24 June 2001 (USA)
WWE King of the Ring 2001 Trailers

King of the Ring (2001) was the ninth annual King of the Ring PPV. It was presented by Mars' Combos and took place on June 24, 2001 at the Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey. The main event was a Triple Threat match involving Chris Benoit, Steve Austin and Chris Jericho for the WWF Championship. The undercard featured the 2001 King of the Ring tournament. Other matches on the undercard included a Street Fight between Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon, a WWF Light Heavyweight Championship match between champion Jeff Hardy and challenger X-Pac and a WWF Tag Team Championship between champions Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) and the challenger team of Kane and Spike Dudley.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
amanwhorocks 1. KoR Semifinals Match: Kurt Angle Vs. Christian - Angle advanced after Shane O'mac helped him. match was quite exciting. 8/10 2. KoR Semifinals Match: Edge Vs. Rhyno - Edge won. Crowd wasn't much into that match, neither I. Couldn't say why. 7/10 3. WWF Tag Team Championship: Dudley Boyz Vs. Spike Dudley/Kane - There was terrible mistake, D-Von didn't catch to stop Kane's pin and referee stop to count after 2, looked like an complete idiot. Dudleyz won. 7/10 4. KoR Finals Match: Kurt Angle Vs. Edge - Edge was winner, great booking but match was plain. Some mistakes, and Edge needed help... So we are supposed to think he's weak. 7.5/10 5. WWF Light Heavyweight Championship: Champ-Jeff Hardy Vs. X-Pac - Jeff retained, Haha, I have to laugh how X-Pac Jobbed in these days now. There were small and great mistakes. 6.5/10 Fight Between DDP and Taker - totally stupid feud. We knew that DDP got Kimberly and we should believe he stalked Sara :) He wasn't even treatment for Taker, he was supposed to be heel and Undertaker beat the s*it outta him. That invasion thing sucked in this feud as its best. 0/10 7. Street Fight: Shane McMahon Vs. Kurt Angle - They put some tough effort. Shane performed Shooting Star Press! And received enormous bumps. 10/10 8. Triple Threat WWF Championship: Champ-Stone Cold Vs. Chris Benoit Vs. Chris Jericho - Average main event. SA of course won. 6.5/10
markealeswhite The most enjoyable king of the ring ever the first i saw live on sky sports. The street fight was the best match of the night. Kurt was lucky to beat shane. And the Booker T jump in at the main event the wcw champ taking out the wwf champ great show
movieman810 This was an excellent PPV that sent a lot of careers going up and reestablished a lot of guys status as legends.Kurt Angle-This guy is your olympic hero mine "Oh Its True Its True" but after watching him in this ppv he became one of my favorites, he was able to face two rising superstars in Christian and Edge(see below) and then if that isn't enough he was able to go through one of the most brutal matches i've ever seen in the street fight with Shane O' Mac. What a night by our olympic gold medalist, he deserved to be WWF champ for a lot longer than 2 weeks.Edge-What a performer, if this guy doesn't have a serious run at the WWF title within 3 years there is something wrong with the WWF creative team. Not only was he able to put on a great match against another rising talent in Rhyno, but than able to put a stellar performance against Kurt Angle(see above). He is very well deserving of the title King of the Ring. He will also be well deserving of the WWF title within he next few years.DDP-What a treat it was to see this great wrestler, who was rotting away for years in the old WCW, finally get a chance to shine in the WWF. What a good job by the WWF creative team to reveal that the man stalking the Undertakers wife Sara for weeks was this man was none other than the King of Bada Bing. Keep giving him angles like this and he will definitly be someone to keep an eye on in the coming years.Booker T- What a way to come in, attacking the WWF champion Stone Cold Steve Austin during the main event. This man may be the most underrated performer in all of wrestling. Although his appearance in this show was brief it had a huge impact on the entire show. Look for more great things from this man real soon.Shane McMahon-Wow this kid is crazy. Why does he do it he's a billionaire. The street fight with him and Kurt Angle ranks right up there with Rock-Mankind Royal Rumble 1999 "I Quit" match in terms of brutality. Shane never ceases to amaze with the bumps that he is willing to take in order to make his matches the best they can be.All in all this was an awesome PPV, if not for anything buy it for the Shane-Kurt street fight that was brutal, as well as the PPV debuts of WCW stars DDP and Booker T, what a good show!!!!
Gary Ballance 2001's King of the Ring was quite enjoyable. While the actual KotR tournament wasn't great (it was a risky move putting 4 heels in the final 4), two matches in particular were outstanding:Shane McMahon vs Kurt Angle (Street Fight). I am constantly amazed by Shane's in-ring skills (he could show some of the WWF's roster- X Pac, Dudleys- a thing or two). He puts in a lot of effort in this match, as well as Angle (who wrestles his 3rd match of the night). Very good spots in this match, esp. Shane's Shooting Star Press and a few nasty bumps (Angle's botched Overhead Suplex where Shane landed on his head, as well as an Overhead Suplex through a glass set prop.) A spectacular ending caps off a great match,which is the best of the night.Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (Triple Threat Match for the WWF Title). Also a great match. Jericho, who has worked his ass off in the WWF for nearly two years, is rewarded with his first PPV main event, and it's a good one. Good technical wrestling between Jericho and Benoit (who manage to trap Austin in the Crippler Crossface and Walls of Jericho at the SAME TIME!) Features an appearance from a major WCW player and an extremely bizarre conclusion.Other matches include X-Pac vs Jeff Hardy, Spike Dudley & Kane vs the Dudleyz, Diamond Dallas Page vs The Undertaker (non- sactioned brawl) and the KotR Tournament (featuring Edge, Christian, Rhyno and Kurt Angle)