World Without End
World Without End
| 01 January 2012 (USA)
World Without End Trailers

The English town of Kingsbridge works to survive as the King leads the nation into the Hundred Years' War with France while Europe deals with the outbreak of the Black Death.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
sergeis-83749 Pillars of the Earth and World without end are such great works it is sad to see what was done to produce a movie. The characters and story are not even close to the book. Standing alone the series was entertaining but it should not even be referenced to the books as it diminishes their greatness.
armstrongone Having just finished reading the novel - I can only say the mini-series World Without End was as total bastardization of Ken Follett's work. The production company had the audacity to put his name on the title shot. I would have loved to been a fly on the wall when he watched the completed series. Despite the poor adaptation to screen - the cast has to be commended. Not too often you get to see a cross-generational mix of actors at one time. And the eye candy didn't hurt either. Several of the themes in the miniseries were well played out but it was still disappointing that integral themes of the novel were either left out or not developed.
berlyvonne Really! The first 15 minutes of the movie were such an egregious deviation from the original plot that I knew it would only go downhill from there. Where do I start? First let's start with the ages of Ralph, Mervin, Caris & Gwenda and the lack of the latter 2 characters from one the most important plots of the book which sets the stage for the character's future behavior. The introduction of Sir Thomas with his secret message & how that took place in the book with his intimate interaction with Mervin. Mattie showing up at the monastery taking over Sir Thomas' medical procedure...not only is it so far off the plot but also from reality. Women wouldn't have been allowed to barge in & take charge like that during that time period. The nuns that served as nurses barely had a say.
Jonathan Ferguson The plot deviates several times from the book, but in most cases, the miniseries plot is BETTER. I mean, why have Godwyn be a kind-of bad guy and then have Philemon be the guy who does a lot of his dirty work when you can just have Godwyn be totally evil? Cynthia Nixon's Petranilla character is also great & even though I can't stand her in Sex & the City she really shines in this. And having the one-armed monk be Edward II was a good idea and was what I thought was going to happen when I read the book.The softcore porn scenes throughout the miniseries are also a nice touch.My advice is: Read Pillars of the Earth but skip the miniseries & Watch World without End but skip the book.