The Spoils of Babylon
The Spoils of Babylon
| 09 January 2014 (USA)
The Spoils of Babylon Trailers

It is intended to be a spoof of the epic-scale "TV event" miniseries (such as The Thorn Birds and Rich Man, Poor Man) prevalent on American network television in the 1970s and 80s.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
awesomematthew22 This mini-series parody is a classic examples of comedy, gleefully ripping apart the poorly made series' of the 70's. One of the funniest things about this film is seeing famous actors, Tobey Maguire, Val Kilmer, Jessica Alba, etc, doing some of the most outrageous acting ever. My favourite jokes used in the film was the film making jokes like toy cars being pulled by strings, 3-D and many more. In Australia this was straight-to-DVD, much like many great films, was not seen by many people, which was a sad event since this was a hilarious journey that i recommend to everyone who likes a laugh. The Story is about one family and the oil company that they will do anything to keep their business afloat.
FilmBuff1994 The Spoils of Babylon is a great mini-series with a well developed storyline that is stretched out nicely in to six half hour episodes.There are plenty of very funny scenes throughout the series,the best ones involving Tobey Maguire,Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell,while every actor does their best in this series,these three seemed the most interested.The series is a parody of old drama series,this is funny most if the time,but certain times the joke of making the show seem "old and lazy" goes too far and stops being funny after awhile.There are a tone of very well known actors throughout the six episodes,there isn't one single episode that dosen't bring in a new character played by a very well known actor.While the Spoils of Babylon isn't a perfect and hilarious comedy series from start to finish,and I certainly think the show started off better and got a little weaker towards the end,it's only six episodes long,which won't take away a lot if time,and with a great comedic cast and plenty of hilarious scenes,it is definitely worth the watch.Story of Devon and Cynthia Morehouse (Tobey Maguire and Kristen Wiig),a young girl and her adopted brother,who start a relationship as they rise to power together because of their deceased fathers wealth.
qormi This show is very original and too funny to describe. Will Ferrell plays an insane best-selling author who financed and directed a miniseries based on one of his novels. It took three years to complete the filming (1976- 1979) and the result is a ridiculously stupid farce that was finally released 35 years later. Kristen Wiig steals the show as she plays the author's wife in her only acting role. Her hammy acting and crazy facial expressions are genius. The crazy director even sought to save money by trying to pass off a mannequin in one of the leading roles. Not only that but the special effects are so phony...miniature buildings and cars, strings showing holding up airplanes...too much fun!
mikecart1 If you have the IFC channel, you probably knew of this show for at least 3 months. Maybe more! I don't watch enough TV to know it all. But the way this show was advertised DID NOT match how this show really is - terrible.This show/miniseries/spoof/whatever it is or is supposed to be was so heavily promoted that it was treated like the greatest breakthrough in home entertainment. IFC still promotes it around the clock even though new episodes are only on Thursdays.The show has a ton of stars or ex-stars of movies and is basically this long drawn out story of love, war, and who knows what else.What really makes this show terrible is not the comedy. This is the type of comedy anyone with a brain would not like or find funny. The joke gets old quick and every scene is predictable. You basically know how the writer's will turn a scene into a spoof of other shows and movies.There are some scenes that are OK but overall I plan on watching this show only to see how bad it gets and to see how it ends. Hopefully it ends real soon because this is about as bad as it gets.
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