Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
| 12 March 1974 (USA)
Wonder Woman Trailers

A super-hero uses her powers to thwart an international spy ring.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Mikey I caught this on TBS a while ago and recorded it. Every once in a while, I dust off the VHS and watch it on a lazy day. Sure, a lot of people will be turned off by this interpretation or different perspective. However, I enjoy watching it because it reminds me of simpler times (I hate being a grown-up), which is why I gave it a 10. I don't watch it for any aesthetic value just a small reminder of my childhood.Sure, the plot could have been better, but I like how this WW used more brain than brawn. I thought the different kind of bracelets were representative of the 70s and all her WW outfits were either red, white, or blue, or a combination. Also that blonds seemed to be a theme because Trevor was also.During the amazon sister fight, it looked like Cathy Lee almost got the top of her head whacked from Anitra's javelin. I love the simple explanation of the burro. It's funny how the simplest things can be overlooked, even by the smartest of people. The real only show of her strength is when she pulled herself up over the glass wall.Yes, it was campy and cheesy, but what about the Lynda Carter version? Especially when she would spin around and "poof" a wet suit and fins, or "poof" motorcycle riding gear, or "poof" horseback riding pants. I never saw anything like that in the comic. Yes, I have the complete series...LOLLLLLLL!
secragt Here's an alpha female time capsule oddity which demonstrates how far femme-centric shows like ALIAS, BUFFY and XENA have come in the intervening thirty years. I was nine when this aired in '74 and recall being aware even then that this was pretty thin, though it had considerable appeal in the strangely droll relationship between charismatic quasi-badguy Ricardo Montalban and mannequinesque Cathy Lee Crosby. Montalban breathes suaveness and chivalry into what should have been a really clichéd and lame villain. As much as Cathy Lee founders in her debut, she has surprising chemistry with Ricardo and their scenes together crackle. If you watch it, be prepared for some unintentional laughter and not much action but whenever Ricardo shows up, things improve.The last ten minutes are very good fun, though, and given this was the fledgling attempt to get a strong female action adventure star on the air in the 70s, it earns some points for helping pave the way for The Bionic Woman and Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman which soon followed. Less a well-written, directed or thought out product than a fascinating glimpse into the early-mid seventies groovy escapist approach and certainly worth a look for fans of the genre. Still, don't expect much chop-socky or action; Cathy Lee is unconvincing in her few physical engagements (and her skin tight jumpsuit is so unrevealing it is about as sexy as a diet cola (the swingin' seventies censors rein things in unfortunately.) Somehow I still find it amusing, to a degree. 5/10
Mark-129 This compact 90 minute unsold pilot caused quite a stir when it premiered on ABC in 1974. Even then comic book fans bemoaned the new interpretation of the character. It's not really Wonder Woman but, a modernized and scrubbed down version of a short lived incarnation of her from then current issues of the Wonder Woman comic book. In this version, after a short origin sequence, Wonder Woman, as Diana Prince, secret government agent, under Steve Trevor, is given the job of recovering a set of code books in the hands of a blackmailer.The movie is entertaining. It's structured like an old time movie serial, each act has a cliffhanger ending with some new threat to Diana, who only appears in "costume" near the end. Not the traditional uniform, but a rather mod looking red, white and blue outfit, with a hidden golden lasso.Providing menace is ace henchman, George. As played by Andrew Prine, who appears to be having a lot of fun, George's wish to kill the Amazon Princess is matched only by his desire to make love to her. (Don't worry, it's not a deep as it sounds).Abner Smith, portrayed by a very charming Ricardo Montalban is George's boss and a great foil for Cathy Lee Crosby, who is over her head in this role, but tries hard. As a side note, try counting the number of times, someone uses a telephone during the film. A new drinking game could come out of this film!
Elysia I saw this movie several years ago and was VERY disappointed with it. Cathie Lee Crosby in no way even looks like Wonder Woman as portrayed in the comics, and the costume was totally changed. I do not recommend this movie to any real Wonder Woman fan, you will be very disappointed also if you take the time to seek out this horrible adaptation.