Witch's Night Out
Witch's Night Out
| 27 October 1978 (USA)
Witch's Night Out Trailers

A witch, disgruntled by the fact that no one takes Halloween seriously anymore, decides to stir things up and disrupt the social gathering in her old house as well as turn a couple of kids who love monsters into actual monsters.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
TheExpatriate700 Witch's Night Out is a bizarre late 70s Halloween cartoon with some surprisingly adult subtexts. It follows the adventures of a witch who helps some trick or treaters by changing them into their favorite monsters.There are a number of things that set this special apart, starting with its soundtrack. It has an electronic, disco-influenced score, reminding one a bit of Electric Light Orchestra. This goes well with the at times psychedelic animation style. Although the animation itself is rather clunky, the character designs are rather interesting, with the witch looking like a dominatrix.However, the film's most distinctive quality is a subtext of emotional and even sexual repression. For example, one timid character ends up transformed into a very sexualized vampire. It'll go over the kids' heads, but adults might have a laugh.
semajentertainment I am on a search since i was 9 for this man. I am a animator working in the bizz . his film was the reason I went into animation. I was able to talk to a person that knew him but had know idea where he is now. Tony molesworth the voice of Small was very nice but had know idea where he is. If anyone has any info on this great man please let me know. I would like to thank him for putting me on the path of what I love to do. And it all started with Witch's Night Out that I watched over a million times. So much that I broke the tape back in 89. LOL. But with the power of DVD I was able to burn it. I mean really the art work the BG"s I was in love from day one. People started looking like these characters to me. i wanted to live in a world were we are all different colors. I loved the voice work as well as the music. I wish he would have used these characters more.
DameFlux Now many people may not know but Leach and Rankin , the husband and wife team, was one of the earlier Canadian animation studio's. The backgrounds are gently rendered by Jean Rankin and the animation is drawn by JohnLeach and a small crew. The voice of Gilda Radner supplies a beautiful Gloria Swanson , Sunset Blvd type witch . Having had success with another earlier film " Gift Of Winter" , John and Jean managed to get this film produced. Their animation process was unique in both how the backgrounds and animation were rendered. The animation was drawn directly on cel with ink pens and with no predrawings . This was Johns way of forcing himself to let it happen and quite frankly his animation was odd yet terrific. He was a powerful painter and his hand was sure and dynamic because of it . It blended beautifully with Gildas eccentric witch voice and is still unique after all these years . The two creators broke up later just before John started work on the ill fated "Lets Play Grown Ups" but they have left a wonderful film that is worthy of being rescued and restored as a Canadian Classic. Definately worthy of watching.
Brett Walter Every year at holiday times, my family always watches the same specials. Come Halloween time, this is one of our favorites. My only complaint with this special is the colors. Every single person is a different color, and it is kind of annoying and distracting the first couple of times that you watch it. But it has a great voice cast, and is worth seeing.