Witches' Night
Witches' Night
R | 27 October 2007 (USA)
Witches' Night Trailers

Halloween weekend. A jilted groom. A hastily-organized canoe trip. A pristine river. A deep, dark forest. The strange old woman behind the bait shop should've been a warning, but too much beer dulls the senses. When they stumble upon four beautiful women deep in the woods, it all seems too good to be true. And slowly they realize they'll be lucky to escape alive.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
GL84 While out camping in the woods, a group of friends trying to help one get over a devastating break-up find themselves targeted by a group of witches looking to use them as the victims in a Satanic sacrificial ceremony and try to get away before it's too late.Not too bad and definitely has it's moments, but not a whole lot, which is kinda surprising since this one had the potential to be really good and enjoyable with a fine set-up and some pretty decent moments that come about because of it. The problem really lies, though, in it's unseemly running time that makes this one far, far longer to get to it's main point than it really should, spending too long with the group out in the woods than it should and making the witch's coven come about too late to really get a full handle on it all. The scenes with them are too few to mean anything, and we really only get one ceremony scene from about 50 feet away, making even less of an impression than it could've. Still, the curses befallen the men are fun, there's some good gore and nudity and it has some fun in the finale to make up for everything, but too little too late.Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and Nudity.
ctomvelu1 Four buddies on a canoe trip encounter four beautiful, sexually charged women deep in the woods. Their mistake. The women are witches, and the guys are made to suffer. Not very good, although reminiscent of drive-in fare from the 1970s, which means things could have been worse. More nudity might have helped. I didn't stick with it to the bitter end, which from all accounts sounds like I didn't miss a thing. The initial encounter in the woods reminded me of an episode from my own past. I was bicycling through water company property and ran into a couple of very cute girls walking along. One of them asked for a "lift," so I sat her on my handlebars for a brief ride. A couple of days later, we met for a skinny dipping session in the reservoir. Luckily, I didn't develop a rash. Those were the days!
TdSmth5 4 drunk friends end up at some store in the country somewhere. Some of them want some action, others want to leave. They run into a woman who rents them some canoes and they go out on the river.At the very beginning of the movie we see some demonic ceremony where a male ends up impaled with a hot iron. So we can already guess what goes on in the woods.When the friends are camping, they hear voices and run into 4 beautiful girls, who are in the mood for fun. But one guy, sad over his marriage-that-didn't-happen, leaves and his brother follows. The next morning, the girls are gone and the two guys who spent time with the girls develop rashes. Little by little these rashes develop into serious boils. But the bizarre thing is that the script makes no allusion to these things. These supposed friends don't care a bit about the fact that one of them can't see anything because his eyes are swollen shut. This is just one of the many shortcomings of the script. The sad guy saw what looked like a witch somewhere and he's paranoid about the girls having been witches. The other guy meanwhile turns very aggressive against his friends. In the end they conclude that the witches were responsible for what is happening to them and want to destroy them. The solution is for the guys to interrupt some evil ceremony that is about to happen during the full moon. Crazy aggressive guy will turn out to be a participant in the ceremony so they have to rescue him, too. So there's a confrontation between the guys and the evil witches. At the end there's a little twist, too.The acting is very good, but the group of guys is not particularly likable or interesting, nor funny. There is one very funny line, and some mildly funny ones. The girls are absolutely gorgeous, but they get almost no screen time! There's a second or so of nudity, why not more when you are already making an R-rated movie. And this is supposed to be about sexy witches. Instead we follow these lame guys around for hours. A shame. Production is good with the limited budget, well directed. But the script doesn't give the audience much. It's smart and some research was done, but it doesn't have much in terms of entertainment value.
kaching70 i really wanted to give this movie 9 out of 10 but the end of the movie kinda ruin it for me..i was so enjoying it and in way things were not really expected ,and the acting wasn't bad ..and it had story in it,even tho they had to add some sex scene (which in my opinion i think its a lame to add sexual scene into horror movies)because most of the time there is really no need for that,no point at all ..BUT the night witch only had one scene and didn't really look like porn . i think its really worth watching even with the bad end..it was like writer got bored and just wanted to finish the movie as soon as possible ..or that he really ran out of ides to make a decent end for this movie.anyway overall the move is really worth watching .