Witchcraft 666: The Devil's Mistress
Witchcraft 666: The Devil's Mistress
R | 11 May 1994 (USA)
Witchcraft 666: The Devil's Mistress Trailers

A serial killer targets young women wearing gold crosses; Detectives Lutz and Garner enlist Will Spanner to help with the occult angles of the case.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Michael_Elliott Witchcraft VI: The Devil's Mistress (1994)* 1/2 (out of 4) Detectives Lutz and Garner are investigating the strange murders of three women found in the nude with no apparent death marks. The only thing connecting the victims is that they had gold crosses with them. With no one else to turn to, they ask Will Spanner (Jerry Spicer) to help them with the case and sure enough it leads back to Satan worshipers. WITCHCRAFT VI is yet another bad film from this bad series but like the previous five, this one here just has something about it that makes it watchable. Perhaps it's the non-stop humping that keeps it moving but even this after a while starts to get old. I think it's fairly interesting that we're six movies in and the same character has appeared in each of these. As silly as it might sound, this actually gives the series some familiar territory for the viewer because each time you start a new movie you really don't have to get familiar with new characters and instead you're just continuing the connection with this lawyer who always has a hot girlfriend and is always getting involved with the Devil. The performances here are actually pretty good with Spicer doing a nice job in the role as Will and both Kurt Allen and John Holiday are good as the detectives. As far as the women goes, it's clear that the casting call was for big breasted ladies who wouldn't mind showing their bodies. I think I counted at least six women that were naked before the 25-minute mark and the film hadn't even gotten to the major sex scenes yet! Oh yeah, isn't it kinda strange that pretty much the only scene that doesn't feature nudity is one in a strip joint? This here is clearly just for fans of the series or those nutty enough like myself to try and sit through all of them. Those not fitting either of those categories are best to leave this one alone.
Big Wheel This is good harmless fun. Although some typical, uptight,feminist reviewed this and complained about the "gratuitous" female nudity, I enjoyed it and so will most heterosexual men and bisexual women! This was made back in the '80's before the "politically correct" crowd stepped in. Back then you could find lots of fun films with ample female nudity. Nowadays, all we get are dicks flapping in our faces. (yuch!) Female frontal nudity is always a good thing. We need a lot more of THAT in mainstream films, instead of men's penises. Maybe one day things will be fair and Hollywood and the MPAA will allow full female genital nudity (the labia and clitoris) to be shown, the same way they allow full male genital nudity to be shown!Until then, its best to go back to the '80's flicks. Basically this is one of those low budget, campy, fun, not-to-be-taken-seriously horror films that promises good female nudity. I'll take it over disgusting, gay-porn garbage like "Bruno" any day! 8/10
capkronos This extremely cheap waste of time is more concerned with gratuitous female nudity than anything of interest in the so-called "plot." Two donut-eating, wisecracking cops enlist the aid of retired, now good warlock Will Spanner (Jerry Spicer) to help track down a Satanic serial killer. The evil leader is an old, dyed-blonde bar owner with a huge forehead who sends out a beautiful vixen (Shannon McLeod) and a muscular guy with a "nice butt" (Craig Stepp) to seduce, then sacrifice lots of silicone-enhanced blonde bimbos.If you think the acting, photography, dialogue and lighting are bad, just wait until you see the FX. Scenes of belly buttons turning into Satanic stars and a solar eclipse that eventually shoots laser beams (?!) are among the worst effects ever to hit the small screen. Spicer having sex in the bathtub with his wife (Debra Beatty) is the only memorable part.Do yourself a favor and forget this awful direct-to-video series even exists!Director Julie Davis also scripted, and shows none of the talent that made her indy romantic-comedy I LOVE YOU, DON'T TOUCH ME! (1997) so enjoyable.
bigpappa1--2 This film was made as its company Academy Pictures was about to close for good. Film deals with the devil trying to find a wife via two evil devil worshipping people. Not much horror to this tale as most of the cast spends most of the films running time out of their clothes and getting it on. The absolute worst of an already terrible series of films. 1 out of 10.