| 08 May 1992 (USA)
Winterbeast Trailers

Set during the fall (NOT winter), a small New England town is brutally ravaged by possessed totem poles.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
dukeakasmudge According to IMDb, filming for Winterbeast started in 1986 & then it was forgotten about.Only 2 scenes are from 1986 & the rest is from 1989 (Interesting) Winterbeast isn't a movie that's so BAD it's good, it's a movie that's so BAD it's HILARIOUS.Totem poles are coming to life & killing people!!! There are times where you'll laugh, There are times where you'll cringe, There are times where you'll go WTF?! You'll either be entertained or BORED out of your mind.I don't know if there will be times where you'll get pains in your head watching it like I did but I hope not.The claymation in this movie reminded me of The Gumby Show, only demented.After the 1st claymation monster scene with the lady who puts forth no effort in her screaming (Which was hilarious) after seeing the monster, You know it's going to be bad.Winterbeast is a movie for all those bad movie lovers out there.If you're not a bad movie lover then I can't imagine you'll sit through the whole thing.I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE bad movies but out of all the tons of them that I've seen, I've NEVER ever seen 1 like Winterbeast.The DVD cover even says *It Must Be Seen To Be Believed* & that's the truth!!!
EyeAskance An amateur misconjecture devoid of anything recognizable as production values, WINTERBEAST is sure to win the hearts of all bad movie masochists fortunate enough to track it down.The fugacious story involves a woodsy resort town cursed by ancient Native American demons which manifest as wobbly totem poles, a giant chicken, and a goofy rubber spinal cord thingie with a big, grimacing head. The resident lawmen launch a bumbling investigation of several recent disappearances in the area, and gradually become aware of the mounting danger. In predictable B-horror fashion, they motion to alert and evacuate the area despite the resistance of greedy local business owners who fear a loss of tourism revenue.WINTERBEAST boasts stop-motion special effects which appear to have been edited from some tragic Third-World GUMBY knockoff, and the acting/direction/lighting/sound/editing are catastrophically all-thumbs. Simply pulverizing in its diversiform inelegance, and supremely comical as a result, this is a lovable item of unsung schlock majesty, and unquestionably a cult-film in wait. 5/10
Michael Wehr This movie has opened my eyes to how horrible a movie can be. I thought I found the worst movie ever so many times. Then my sophomore year of college I saw this thing...I can't explain how much I enjoyed it's horrible nature. It makes no sense, the villain is a gay Jewish guy, they all wear flannels, the acting is so bad, there is no plot, the bad guys are terrible claymation products, we don't even understand who actually IS the's just bad!!!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!Can't say I didn't warn you however.
Zorin-2 This has to be the worst movie ever made. At least Plan 9 From Outer Space had a plot you could follow, this film doesn't even provide that. It's a convolted mess that never deserved to be released to the public. Hopefully the original reel is rotting in someones's basement or workshed so no one else can be tarnished or cursed with this monstrosity!