White Pongo
White Pongo
| 02 November 1945 (USA)
White Pongo Trailers

Suspecting that a safari guide is a wanted killer, undercover policeman Geoffrey Bishop (Richard Fraser) joins a safari led by the suspect for a scientist that hopes to find and prove that a fabled white gorilla is a missing link.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Leofwine_draca WHITE PONGO is another of those movies with an interesting-sounding premise and a very dull execution. It's a jungle safari film in which a bunch of the dullest characters imaginable head into the jungle in search of a mythical white gorilla. The trouble is, this plotting plays out very slowly indeed, with a maximum of padding that makes it a tough watch. None of the characters stand out and the only people making an effort are the sound effects guys with their constant jungle ambience noises. As for White Pongo himself, he's just the usual guy in a gorilla suit you've seen a million times; he just happens to be a different colour.
TheExpatriate700 White Pongo isn't an A movie. It isn't even a B movie. It falls more into the range of a D-level movie, made on a shoe string by a minor film company. It fails in just about every way a film can. It's not just that it's cheap and openly racist; it's just plain boring!The film follows an expedition to capture a rare white gorilla believed to be the missing link. (Why would the missing link have to be white?) In the process, the adventurers run into hostile natives, criminals, and the worst gorilla suit known to man. (I know this was made before the time of Jane Goodall, but couldn't they have come up with something vaguely realistic?)The film's racism is very obvious, to the point that it verges on satire. The lead black character is named Mumbo-Jumbo for crying out loud. The Africans are shown as savages who are automatically hostile to white people for no reason-never mind the fact that during the colonial era, they would have had every reason to distrust Europeans.However, what's most damning is the boredom factor. Even though the movie is roughly seventy minutes long, it is filled with scenes of people just cruising down the river with canoes, with no accompanying action or dialogue. It's filler of the worst kind.
MartinHafer I wish I had a dollar for every film made about the African jungle or that featured some knucklehead dressed up in a gorilla costume during the 1930s and 40s--I'd be a millionaire. Sure, in this case it's a WHITE gorilla, but it's still at heart a movie like so many others.The film begins with a man escaping and making his way through the jungle back to civilization. During this torturous trek, he sees a white gorilla and once rescued he babbled on and on about it. How his rescuers took this to mean that this albino gorilla was some sort of "missing link", I have no idea and they soon set off to look for the beast.There must be something about the jungle, as some sort of aphrodisiac must grown in the wild. First, two men in the party fall for the lone lady in the group. Then later, Pongo (the white gorilla) himself and a black gorilla ALSO fall for this hottie! I could say more about the film, but frankly who cares?! Yet another man in gorilla suit film AND the gorilla becomes infatuated with the lady--haven't we seen this before....many times? Overall, a dull and not particularly inspiring film. I wish I could get as excited about the film like some of the other reviewers, but I just got bored with the film almost as soon as it started.
Hitchcoc I'd swear that half of these B jungle movies has the people getting from one place to another. If they aren't paddling down a river, they are walking up a hill or across a field. Native tribesmen follow, single file, saying nothing, carrying supplies on their heads. This one is about an effort to find a white gorilla, a clue to the missing link. In the safari are a couple of factions as we find out. There's a rifle man, who is quiet and mysterious (we find out later what he really is), a young woman who is being pursued by a man who loves her, but who has no character. There is upper class snobbery. There is a group of cutthroat mutineers who wish to take power. Then there are scenes of out and out racism. The gorillas are, as usual, men in bad monkey suits. Even back in those days, couldn't they have put together something a little more convincing. One of my childhood memories is watching this movie on our old Admiral TV and seeing this long haired white ape. I may be wrong, but I think the ape suit shows up in other places, including an episode of the old George Reeves "Superman" TV show. This was another jungle movie that was part of a science fiction collection. I suppose the missing link is borderline science fiction. Overall, pretty lame.