White Cargo
White Cargo
NR | 12 December 1942 (USA)
White Cargo Trailers

In Africa early in World War II, a British rubber plantation executive reminisces about his arrival in the Congo in 1910. He tells the story of a love-hate triangle involving Harry Witzel, an in-country station superintendent who'd seen it all, Langford, a new manager sent from England for a four-year stint, and Tondelayo, a siren of great beauty who desires silk and baubles. Witzel is gruff and seasoned, certain that Langford won't be able to cut it. Langford responds with determination and anger, attracted to Tondelayo because of her beauty, her wiles, and to get at Witzel. Manipulation, jealousy, revenge, and responsibility play out as alliances within the triangle shift.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
GazerRise Fantastic!
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
kirksworks This review is full of spoilers, but I knew the ending before seeing it, and it still affected me. Although this is really one heckuva dumb film, I found it entertaining in many ways. Hence the rating of 7. I've seen quite a few Hedy Lamarr films, and have a pretty good handle on her style and the breadth of her talent, but nothing prepared me for this.  She plays Tondalayo, a native girl in Africa (half Egyptian and half Arab), who seduces and destroys men at a rubber plantation in the jungle.  Like many native female types of the time, she speaks in pigeon English (me go, me stay, etc.), that is fairly ridiculous, particularly if you understand how intelligent Hedy Lamarr really was.  Her eyes and teeth literally glow through the dark makeup that covered her body.  And in spite of how insane the whole idea of this casting was, she came across as hot, potent and sexual, something she hadn't done for me in any of the other films I've seen her in.  As seductive as she tried to be in Technicolor in "Samson and Delilah," the calculated coldness of her character and clunky dialog didn't amount to much.  On the other hand, "White Cargo" was shot in b&w, and Tandalayo only appears in night scenes, allowing shadow and light to play across Lamarr's face in interesting ways.  She was more beautiful in this than in anything else I've seen her in.  Something about the darker skin set off her bone structure in a way her normally porcelain skin tones never did.  At least for me.  A scene where she dances to a phonograph record is full of sexual fire.  Her playful and sensuous moves were quite titillating, so much so that apparently the studio shied away from using as much footage of her as originally intended, cutting away to Richard Carlson watching her with lustful glee.  This film was even more jungle sweaty than Clark Gable and Jean Harlow in "Red Dust," ten years before. This time the male leads were played by Walter Pidgeon and Carlson, but in a much different story than "Red Dust."  I've never seen Pidgeon this intense.  He plays Witzel, the man in charge of the camp, a hot head with a short fuse.  Being stuck in the jungle for years, broken down by the heat and difficulty dealing with natives, certain phrases by newcomers like, "Are the natives friendly?" set him off.   His temper exploded so often, it became annoying. On the other hand, it added to the discomfort these characters felt in the situation they found themselves.  Carlson plays Langford, who has arrived to replace a foreman who has been reduced to a drunken sot.  Witzel warns Langford that exactly the same thing will become of him before the end of his four year contract.  And he warns Langford about Tondalayo.  Witzel was seduced by Tondalayo at one time but lived to tell the tale.  Within five months, however, Langford has succumbed to both the jungle, drink, and Tondalayo, who seduces him behind Witzel's back.  Soon it becomes clear that Langford is on the road to ruin, but he hates Witzel so much because of his animosity towards Tondalayo, he figures out a way of allowing Tondalayo into the camp without her being chased away.  Langford marries her.  Tondalayo finds this loads of fun at first, but all she really wants is power and "trinkets."  When she comes to understand her wedding vow of "til death do us part," she plots her strategy.  Langford succumbs to drink, and her interest in him wanes. He loses his power.  What Tondalayo really desires is control over the man in charge, and Witzel is that man. She goes after him for a second try.  He almost falls for her seduction, but soon finds that she has been poisoning Langford. She has taken "til death do us part" literally.  In one extremely intense scene, Witzel finds Tondalayo administering what he finds to be poison to an unconscious Langford, grabs the bottle and forces the liquid down her own throat.  It's really hard to watch this scene, and both Pidgeon and Lamarr play it well.  Tondalayo runs off to collapse and die in the jungle.  Still unconscious, Langford is sent on the next boat back to America.  As they carry him off to the boat, Witzel calls him "white cargo."  Hence the title.  What I find appealing about films like "White Cargo" beyond the exotic setting, is the opportunity for atmosphere and raw, intense drama that takes place in "another world."  It's likely that the reason these films aren't made anymore is because science fiction and alien planets have taken the place of jungles and plantations.   But science fiction is just too far removed from reality.  "Avatar" is probably the closest thing we have these days to something resembling "Red Dust" or "White Cargo."   There were a few last gasps of these sorts of films in the 1950s and 60s like Audrey Hepburn in "Green Mansion," or the Marlon Brando "Mutiny on the Bounty."  Both films bombed.  Even Disney's "Pocahontas," an exotic love story that takes place in a jungle, did poorly compared to its previous hits.  Like musicals, exotic adventures stories of these types necessarily had to be transformed into something more contemporary.  "White Cargo" is not a great film by any means, but not all entertaining films need be masterpieces.  The story moves with intensity, is well paced, the cinematography exquisitely moody, and there is a beautiful score by Bronislau Kaper, which was one of his first jungle movies.  Coincidentally, he went on to do "Green Mansions" and "Mutiny on the Bounty." The main reason to see "White Cargo," however, is Hedy Lamarr.  She never did anything like it again.
samgrass-3 I remember watching this as a youngster, when I was on my "movies or television shows in the jungle" kick (Tarzan, Jungle Jim, Ramar, and especially, Sheena). Watching it again, my attitude towards it had changed considerably, from awe-inspiring to camp. It's based on a 20's play from Broadway and was probably meant as a vehicle to get Hedy Lamarr over with the public as a sex siren. And that she is in White Cargo. While she certainly cannot act, the one thing she can do is vamp – and vamp she does. She is Tondelayo (no relation to Kimona Wannalaya), a dark beauty that tantalizes the Brits at an African rubber plantation and desires lots and lots of silk and baubles. Life on the plantation is monotonous and a hardship on those who serve. After all, there's no cable access, and drink is the best way out. Walter Pidgeon stars as Harry Witzel, plantation boss and the head of the local colonial district. His hated assistant, Wilbur Ashley, is worn down by the environment and is slightly bonkers. (Ashley is played by Bramwell Fletcher, best noted for laughing himself to death at Karloff's revival in The Mummy.) His replacement is Langford (Richard Carlson), full of spit and vinegar and oblivious to Witzel's warning of the "damp rot" that can grab hold of a man. One gets the feeling that the main cause of damp rot is the lack of women – or should I say, white women. Witzel tells Langford that he'll soon be indulging in "mammy palaver." Langford, of course, pooh-poohs Witzel's prophecies - until one night a figure appears at his door and says "I am Tondelayo." Yes, it's Hedy, looking quite hot in that bikini outfit, though she's slathered with about five pounds of dark make-up. (Sort of like the type Jennifer Jones wore as Pearl Chavez in another camp classic, Duel in the Sun.) Of course, in the play, Tondelayo is supposed to be African, which means Black, but this is Jim Crow America and the very idea, even the hint, of miscegenation, was deemed repugnant for the masses. So, MGM got the play's author in to change Tondelayo around to being "half-Egyptian, half-Arab," and not her blue eyes on close-ups. In fact, her eyes get longer close-ups than Lugosi's in White Zombie. To make a long story short, Tondelayo is in love with Harry, who ignores her. So she sets her sights on Langford, who marries her. Big mistake, for Langford can't afford her and Tondelayo has a low boredom point. (Tondelayo also speaks like many young athletes in that she constantly refers to herself in the third person. This would be funny if it weren't so pitiful.) Because the other characters pound into her head the inviolability of marriage ("till death do you part"), she takes to poisoning her husband with "Jama juice." Harry catches on and forces her to drink the juice: End of Tondelayo. Campier entertainment one couldn't ask for.
moonspinner55 Lusty half-caste on a British-owned rubber plantation in Africa--speaking in broken English and always preceded by the tinkling of her jewelry--insinuates herself between the two badgering white foremen; she childishly pits the hotheaded adversaries against one another, winner take Tondelayo! Leon Gordon's play, an adaptation of the novel "Hell's Playground" by Ida Vera Simonton, raised enough eyebrows in the 1920s to make it a hit, but by 1942 the material was already seeming awfully trite and thin. Director Richard Thorpe doesn't even try to disguise the stage-origins, keeping his actors running from Point A to Point B in quick little mad dashes. However, despite the lack of style and finesse, Hedy Lamarr's ripened female-savage is something to see, and occasionally her lines even get intentional laughs. ** from ****
fuhgeddaboutit01 I now have about seven of Hedy's films on DVD/Video so have a means of comparison."White Cargo" is definitely not one of her best parts and I consequently only voted it 3/10.She was badly cast, Walter Pigeon is too melodramatic, and for a film, there was not enough change of scenes for my liking as it heavily betrays the stage play antecedent whence it originated.95% is so obviously made in a studio where the action gets bogged down.For a film supposedly set in Africa, couldn't the budget have stretched to a few more location shots?I know this was wartime (1942) but Florida could have made a good substitute.Once the promising opening sequence is over (of a flying boat landing on a river), we are stuck in the planters shack (in the studio) and from there on its just a lot of bad tempered men shouting at each other and getting drunk.I did not "buy it" that an intelligent man sent by the government to an African plantation would fall for an illiterate savage, Tondelayo, whose only interest seemed to be how many trinkets she could obtain out of the men she meets.I much prefer to see Hedy as the intelligent, sophisticated woman she was and she was so much better cast in say "Boom Town" (1940) with Clark Gable and Spencer Tracy.Indeed in that film despite not having primary billing, she acts Claudette Colbert right off the screen.I also particularly liked her in "Come Live With Me"(1941) with Jimmy Stewart - see my critique of this film.