Wheels on Meals
Wheels on Meals
PG-13 | 17 August 1984 (USA)
Wheels on Meals Trailers

Cousins Thomas and David, owners of a mobile restaurant, team up with their friend Moby, a bumbling private detective, to save the beautiful Sylvia, a pickpocket.

Micitype Pretty Good
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
david-sarkies This is another old and rather amusing Jackie Chan movie. This one is set in Spain where Jackie (Thomas) and his best friend David operate a mobile food van and service one of the market places in the country. It is a little unusual to see an Asian population in Spain, particularly when David's dad is in an insane asylum where he is now in a relationship with a woman named Gloria.At first it seems that things are disconnected. David's Dad's relationship with Gloria, a pickpocket, and a rather hopeless detective hired to find a girl whose only photo is when she was 12. However as the movie progresses things quickly fall into place. At first it appears that people are after the pickpocket simply because she is a pickpocket, however it becomes evident that she is actually the heiress to a fortune, a fortune whom the brother does not want going over to her because it brings shame to the family name (not that shame is a huge European quality).It is interesting how the concepts of shame and the actions of a guest play strongly in Asian movies, but it is something that is important to their culture that does not interplay strongly within our culture. We have a guilt based culture where if we treat people wrongly we will feel guilt, but then guilt is always tailored to our existential view of reality. To the Asian shame is something that one seeks to avoid, and thus will act so as not to bring shame onto their name, or that of their family. Family is another important aspect as we in the western world are an individualistic lot. We bring guilt upon ourselves, but not onto our family, however the strong family ties in the Asian world mean that they will act with their family's honour in mind.This does not necessarily mean that the Asians are better than us, but it is a culture that I have a deep respect for because it acts in a way that is far more honourable than the actions of those of us in the west.But onto the movie, not that there is much more to write on this film, or whether there are any really deep themes in here. There aren't. This is a typical (and enjoyable) Jackie Chan film with sight gags and the standard martial arts. Sammo Hung, who directed the film, also plays a major role as the bumbling detective. The bumbler is a character that Sammo seems to always play, and I must say that an Asian with a perm does look rather odd, but then Sammo Hung once again always does seem to play those odd characters.
utshavsubba 'Wheels on Meals' is an action- comedy starring Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, Sammo Hung, Lola Forner, Keith Vitali and Benny Urquidez. The 3 Dragons (Jackie, Sammo and Yuen) have done 3 big movies together: 'Project A', 'Wheels on Meals' and 'Dragons Forever'. WoM is my favorite out of them for several reasons. It has better balance between the 3 dragons rather than Project A which was more of a Jackie flick. The international feel with the Spanish and Chinese is great fun too. I love the soundtrack as well.The action scenes are the best though. Sammo Hung has slightly less screen presence than Jackie and Yuen but its fine because he does a wonderful job of directing. His swordplay in the climax is fantastic as well. Yuen does a very good job in the movie and is very charismatic as the innocent guy fallen for the pickpocket. Jackie's climax battle with Benny is still hailed as one of his epic best which is true. Lola is very sexy in her role. Keith and Benny do a fantastic job as the thugs.If you want to laugh out loud and be wowed by some fantastic stunt work and fight sequences, Wheels on Meals is just for you. Not to be missed by a Jackie Chan fan.
phrixion Meals on Wheels is a good Jackie Chan flick that takes place in Spain. What makes this film stand out from some their other films is that some of the actions scenes in this film are iconic of the martial arts actionI cannot deny t that Jackie Chan and gang bring and have been bringing to the screen.The action sequences are iconic because this is one of the films where people might have seen a cut scene and say "wow that sword blade was really close to him!" and such. Some of the martial arts action sequences are incredibly well done. The strikes are so close and done so well and filmed well, that the fight choreography had to be precisely timed. There were a couple stunts where I thought "if he didn't complete that stunt or fight sequences successfully, he would probably have been dead or very very hurt." Also there's a lot of gags and comic relief in the film as well as innovative props, such as the food truck they drive around. Some action and scenes take place on Spain's some tourist traveled areas. The way the story is actually a very good work in its own since they take literally a few stories that eventually intertwine. Sylvia, the main protagonist of the film is a conniving young lady who cheats and steals money from men who think they will be sleeping with her. Sylvia is no stupid girl and out schmoozes her way around men taken by her beauty and charm, but she's very divisive and causes a lot of trouble.Good flick, it is a different film from My Lucky Stars, which is more dramatic comedy with physical comedy. This film is an action comedy with great martial arts sequences. I do recommend this one, it is a fun watch if you're into the jackie chan genre of movies.
dsabverticus-1 This movie contains the apparent 'best jackie chan fight' ever, which is why I bought it, I guess I expected too much. The last fight really is excellent, but didn't top Drunken Master, or 'Gorgeous' for my standards.What really stunned me about the last scene was the excellent choreography, and Benny "The Jet"'s great skill. The actually thought this may be Jackie's best "Movie" even if the fight scene at the end was his 3rd best IMO. Sammo Hung is really quite a character, good acting skills and a unique look, not to mention he is a skilled Martial Artist. The plot, as simple as it is, leaves you quite entertained through-out the movie, and Lola Forner is great too. I only wish my DVD has better English subtitles!10/10