Werewolves of the Third Reich
Werewolves of the Third Reich
NR | 05 February 2018 (USA)
Werewolves of the Third Reich Trailers

In Germany at the height of World War II, a ragtag group of American soldiers discover Doctor Mengele's diabolical plan to create an unstoppable army of Nazi werewolves.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
TheLittleSongbird Will admit to feeling nervous about seeing 'Werewolves of the Third Reich'. The low rating and poor reviews were not promising, and too many of my recent low-budget viewings with both of those here have proven to be that bad and worse. The idea also seemed really ridiculous, even for one clearly not meant to be taken seriously and with the potential to be executed in an intelligence insulting way.My nervousness proved after watching 'Werewolves of the Third Reich' to be justified. 'Werewolves of the Third Reich' was yet another film to be that bad, as bad as the low rating and reviews suggested, and worse. It was not only ridiculous and terribly made but also intelligence insulting to a near-offensive degree, with a huge amount to criticise and nothing to recommend. Have nothing really to add, with it said already so well, other than my thoughts.Knowing where to begin with the criticisms is difficult. 'Werewolves of the Third Reich' looks cheap, with drab and rushed-looking photography, haphazard editing, risible visual effects that just look strange, inauthentic and shoestring budget-like costumes and far from atmospheric or spooky settings. The sound quality is intrusive and obvious and can remember little about the music other than how ill-fitting it was.Dialogue is cheesy as sin and delivered with accents that are both stereotypical and incomprehensible and words delivered in a way that will make native Germans and those studying German cringe and feel insulted. The story is uneventful in the first act and becomes increasingly silly and implausible, as well as tension-free and lacking in coherence. The action is clumsy and dull and the direction shows no engagement or experience with the material.Characters are irritating and little more than cartoonish caricatures. Don't let the titular creatures elevate things, they are barely in it and are poorly designed. The acting is all round awful, with lots of histrionics and bizarre miscasting (Hitler is one of the biggest dishonourable mentions).Overall, terrible. 1/10 Bethany Cox
richardraney1321 The movie is dull, plodding and visually looks like ww2 re-enactment.The acting is community theater quality, some descent but way too over the top. And no, the werewolf serum looks NOTHING like the Re-animator movies. The CGI are mostly bad, especially the bullet hits and what I think are practical makeup looks like it was purchased at a halloween store and applied by a novice. The scene with the drill instructor was ripped off from Full Metal Jacket. If you are a B-movie fan you might like it other wise go watch Silver Bullet from 1985 with Gary Busey and Corey Haim.
Julian R. White I'm not going to delve too much into the plot or anything, but I'm having trouble understanding what it is they were trying to do here. The CGI was horrific and just plain weird, and appeared to glitch out in some parts of the movie. The cover of course looked promising but, the masks that the "werewolves" wear don't look like wolves or even dogs at all. In fact, they looked more like a Klingon than a wolf. Not to mention, the masks are exactly that, masks! In some parts of the movie, they even appeared to fall off or become unsituated on the actors face. Also, does Hitler have Parkinson's disease or what? Every time he speaks, he is shivering uncontrollably and having issues speaking coherently. I don't understand why they did that? Was Hitler this way in real life? I have never seen them give him an effect like that in any film. Not to mention the fact that, regardless of the national origins of the actors, their accents sound so incredibly fake that it's almost painful to listen to.The cover made me excited! Too bad this was such a disappointment.
allen-roulston Very low production value all the way around. Poor acting. Poor set locations. Poor props. Poor special effects. Most important of all, wretched story.In my opinion there are many elements of this movie lifted from Inglourious Basterds. Sadly, they are poorly executed.If you enjoy watching horrible movies and making fun of them with friends, this movie will provide plenty to critique.