| 29 November 1999 (USA)
Warriors Trailers

If the conflict in Bosnia has become something of a forgotten war, it's not for the want of trying from the immensely powerful BBC film Warriors, the story of five young soldiers and their harrowing experiences in the region.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Yazi "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke) The accurate depiction of the problems faced by the UN forces in this terrible conflict. The good men in this film were hampered by the impossible UN mandate which allowed them to deliver humanitarian aid, but not to directly intervene to prevent the deaths of those they were sent to protect. Gritty realism and excellent acting performances make this one of the most accurate war films ever made. It's direct camera action and lack of comment makes it appear as if it were a documentary and allows the viewer to make up their own mind as to what they saw. Not that there is much latitude for interpretation in many of the scenes - which were all taken from real events. It's particularly good in it's depiction of how the soldiers coped with their experiences on returning to the UK - something I don't recall being done in any other war film.What is interesting is the profound effect this film has on anyone who sees it. In my case, as an ex British military officer, I was involved in several conflicts including the second major round of the breakup of Yugoslavia - the Kosovo war. That conflict was the only one where I actually felt we were doing something worthwhile. I found myself watching the playback videos of our bombs exploding in Serbia and thinking "Good - the b#######s deserved that!" But this film, which was first shown on BBC at about that time, made me re-examine my feelings. I found that I was disgusted with my attitude because I was essentially no better than those perpetrating the crimes. There is no black and white in any war and this film demonstrates that perfectly. During my officer training, we watched a couple of films to demonstrate various leadership qualities. I just hope this is shown to our latest trainees to demonstrate how difficult the job of a military leader can be.A couple of reviewers question the authenticity of the film in it's depiction and accuracy. It has been clearly stated by another reviewer that all the events in the film actually happened - and that some of the more extreme incidents were rejected. Also, it doesn't attempt to apportion blame on the Serbs - all sides are equally treated. Serbs are depicted at the first checkpoint, whereas the cars which are used by soldiers ransacking a elderly Muslim's house are flying Croation flags.There is only one score which this film justifies. Ten!
Isobel Swan 'Warriors' (Bosnië 1992, a film by Peter Kosminsky). It is about man's inhumanity to man. Set during 1992 in the war in Bosnia and how the British Army were sent over to the war in the now former Yugoslavia as UN Peacekeepers. As UN Peacekeepers, the soldiers were not allowed to open fire unless their own lives were directly threatened. However this also meant that the soldiers were powerless to interfere in events even if it meant saving innocent lives. The film portrayed Serbian soldiers taking Bosnian Muslims (young and old) away and shooting them or burning them alive in their homes. There was one scene in which one of the soldiers, who was from Liverpool (played by Matthew Macfadyen) took a 14 year old boy into the back of an army truck in order for him to escape being executed by the Serbs. However, he was ordered to hand the boy over to the Serbs by his Commanders because moving a Bosnian from one area to another was regarded as 'ethnic cleansing' (ironic?) even though it was saving the boy's life. This film is about ethnic intolerance and hatred and the international communities' lack of an adequate response (until years later).
yojimbo999 This is a good movie. It does everything it does well, from the acting to directing to writing.But allow me to note that the vast majority of reviewers here have gone on tangents attacking the U.S. about not "getting involve earlier" in the conflict. Obviously if the U.S. and NATO had gotten involve earlier, a lot of lives would have been lost. This should show you what HYPOCRITES this great "world community" -- that I keep hearing about whenever someone has something negative to say about the U.S. -- truly are.This, in a nutshell, is the hypocrisy of the world. For America, it's a lost cause. If we interfere, we're suddenly "imperialists trying to push our beliefs on the world" blah blah blah; or they might say we're trying to "bully the world" again. But if we DON'T interfere, then we're "selfish and apathetic, and useless and should have done this and done that". RE: Can't win either way.This is a good movie and it should be seen by everyone, but I do wish the people on this board would grow a brain. Or, at the very least, grow a brain capable of LOGICAL THINKING instead of going off on their "emotions". If you back track the bulk of the reviewers on this board, you'll see that many of the same ones decrying a lack of U.S. involvement in Bosnia for this movie, is decrying TOO MUCH U.S. involvement in other conflicts.Can't win for losing, I tell ya. And "the rest of the world" wonders why we don't care what they think. IT'S BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE CAN'T MAKE UP YOUR BLOODY MINDS, THAT'S WHY!!
RufusJWB I saw this movie yesterday and today, and i registered at IMDB to comment it. It's the first movie about the war in bosnia i have seen so far, and i don't think a movie can be much better. The movie shows us in a very impressive way, why war is bad. And i have to ask my self, how many lives could be saved, if we would have intervened earlier.