Beautiful People
Beautiful People
R | 03 March 2000 (USA)
Beautiful People Trailers

In London, during October 1993, England is playing Holland in the preliminaries of the World Cup. The Bosnian War is at its height, and refugees from the ex-Yugoslavia are arriving. Football rivals, and political adversaries from the Balkans all precipitate conflict and amusing situations. Meanwhile, the lives of four English families are affected in different ways by encounter with the refugees.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
clotblaster I am going to limit my comments basically to all those people who rated this movie below a nine or ten. For most people this is a movie that must be watched twice, but if you don't feel your heart pounding at the end of the film and tears in your eye, no matter how many times you watch, YOU, viewer needs to take stock of your own heart, imagination, empathy for different people (true diversity) and your ability to respond appropriately to truly great films. I tire of people who tell me about books and plays and movies:"It's just your opinion." Well, sometimes that is true. But if your soul and imagination has not been properly educated by reading good books (especially poetry), seeing good plays (especially Shakespeare, and seeing quality movies and distinguishing them from the meretricious and the bogus. This is not a time where it is just my opinion. This is a movie that celebrates life in the most difficult of situations and blends together various characters' lives into a seamless whole--a kind of good Magnolia, to which it has been fatuously compared. The story is set in diverse modern day London--all classes, different ethnic groups etc. The writer/director Jazmin Didmar is a magician weaving a tapestry of humanity that screams at the viewer: "LIfe is tough, but there is still a place for love and beauty, even in the direst circumstances." I am so fed up with American movie goers who can't tell diamond from glass. This is a wonderful movie which deserves a 10+ rating. I quote from one of the characters, who is having troubles in his personal life and in his profession. But he comes through at the end of the movie happy and smiling with an ending comment: "If life works just a little bit in your favor, it can be beautiful." SEE THIS MOVIE. (p.s. Americans can be forgiven their lack of discernment in films, because they grow up on wretched American t.v. By the way I am a natural born surfer boy from SoCAl--actually Orange County).
SusanAdebisi Very contrasting ideas here mixing the violence of the former Yugoslavia with the shallowness of the British upper middle classes. Throw In smack, Tottenham fans on the loose, Immigration, a depressed journalist, snobbery, an overworked doctor a blind kid plus a whole lot more and the result Is an eclectic film that's got enough about It to succeed.The tone does flip wildly from war zone misery to light domestic matters and that can be a little off-putting, and has been mentioned some of the sound work & a few of the accents are dubious at best. Charlotte Coleman Is very good as the central lead even though she Is peripheral to many of the more memorable moments. The dark comedy Is very funny and unlike so many British films It's not a case of "Who's he?" or "what's she been In?". Most of all It's got spirit & conviction, definitely worth persisting with.
artdeco-2 This very forced attempt to fuse Robert Altman and Quentin Tarantino (who is wildly overrated himself) is neither informative nor entertaining. The character development is arbitrary and unbelievable -- especially in the final scene of the thugs and the little boy, as other reviewers have noted. Also, a couple of humorous moments aside, the film is not as funny (black humor or otherwise) as the director seems to think it is.
minavagante Having many friends and acquaintances from former-Yugoslavia, I was advised to see this movie, and found it funny to say the least. Using the intertwined stories of people more or less affected by the 1990s war, the director paints a great picture of how we humans are, and how much aggressiveness and self-destructiveness are rooted deep in our nature. However, these feelings aren't unavoidable, and this is told without abusing rosey tones (not that the rest of the picture abuses them).