R | 01 June 1993 (USA)
Voyage Trailers

Morgan and Catherine Norvell have their future plans ready. In Monte Carlo, their sailboat is stocked. From there they are going to sail to Malta and live on the boat for a year. They have bought some real estate with an old ruin of a hotel on it, which they are going to rebuild. A few days before they are about to start, they meet Gil and Ronnie Freeland. They would give anything to join them for a couple of days on the sea, and no sooner said than done, all four of them are enjoying the sweet life on the boat. The Norvells soon discover that it was a big mistake to invite them on board...

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Sten Tepid at best. The story is so cliched that within the first 15 minutes I was able to guess everything that was going to happen in the movie. It held no surprises for me.And...let's talk about the miscasting. Rutger Hauer was obviously middle-aged, and it's blindingly obvious that Roberts is at least a decade younger, and yet we're supposed to believe they're high school classmates? Give me a break! That sort of sloppiness is inexcusable.Another thing that really offended me was how they made Roberts' wife bisexual. It had absolutely nothing to do with the plot or the story; it was just there to increase the "ick" factor and make people go "ewwwww!" I hate that sort of thing with a passion. It's a cheap tactic, one that I think we all should just bury and forget.There could have been a lot more tension in this, but the story's predictability hampers any suspense. Also, the fact that they regularly go ashore robs the plot of any of the claustrophobia that marked DEAD CALM.I found this film memorable only because it was so bad. A trite story, so-so acting (and Hauer looks terrible!), and bad writing and direction make this a loser.
youridol I love movies with small casts and isolated settings, with VOYAGE being the among the best of such. This is like Roman Polanski's KNIFE IN THE WATER, only this time we have great actors all around.Hauer is his usual great subtle acting machine. His face seems to have a thousand muscles and he can say more with an expression than the boring interchangeable "stars" of today can in an entire career.And Eric Roberts is the perfect opposition for Our Boy Rutger with an incredible heel performance. I'll never forget when he says to Hauer with sinister glee "I'll turn your head around backwards!"Why aren't the exceptional Roberts and greatest living actor Hauer more popular? Because in order to be popular one has to be mediocre.
atonewell A low budget "Dead Calm"... big boat, nasty things happening aboard.No real novelty to the plot, but quite an enjoyable film to watch regardless.Rutger does not look at his best.
boobylover Voyage is a somewhat underrated film. It stars Rutger Hauer and Karen Allen as a couple preparing to enjoy a year-long voyage on their yacht. Unfortunately they are joined by another couple who aren't quite what they appear. Eric Roberts marvelously plays the antagonist. I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this film. I watched another version of this story with Kate Jackson. It just reiterated to me how good a film this is. It's good! Honest!