Voyage of the Rock Aliens
Voyage of the Rock Aliens
PG | 09 March 1984 (USA)
Voyage of the Rock Aliens Trailers

Aliens land in the mythical town of "Speelburgh, U.S.A" searching for the source of rock & roll. What they find is a gang of teenagers, led by Dee Dee and Frankie, along with Frankie's posse/rock band, the Pack. The leader of the aliens takes a shine to Dee Dee and all sorts of trouble breaks out.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
timothy This is perhaps the best amalgamation of everything excellent about the eighties. Pure and total destructive insanity. To watch this movie is akin to reliving the eighties only through MTV news updates. There are so many things "right" about this movie. As in, the right stuff. Baby.Rock 'n' Roll is misleading, but it's more like New Wave vs. Rockabilly. And how does that not equal brilliance? Name another film that that happens in please because I would love to watch it.If you do not like this movie you obviously hate the eighties and everything associated with it. And therefore, if you are over 16 years of age you hate yourself. And I am saddened by your condition. Just know that I care about you.Voyage of the Rock and Roll Aliens changed my life. And not just in regards to my fantasy wife becoming Pia Zadora. In many other equally profound ways.If you have the chance, snatch this movie up and give it a viewing.
godwinj Even though the special effects rarely rise above amateurish, even though the acting, at places, can best be described as 'cardboard', and even though the final production lacks the polish of a comparable film, say 'Grease', this film is definitely worth the time.This film has several things going for it, definitely. First of all, there are some pretty decent actors in the film and some talented singers as well.There are few who are both decent actors and talented singers, but this in itself doesn't ruin the movie.Musically, watch for the sequence 'nature of the beast'. It is a bit overplayed, and stylistically overdone, yet still quite entertaining.Much of the comedy in the movie falls rather flat, but there a few shining moments mixed in. At the point the female victim helps the homicidal maniac repair his chainsaw is really where the movie begins to hit its stride and the various elements come together.Throughout the film, Pia Zadora is a joy to watch. She really doesn't deserve the bad press she's gotten. In this film, she comes across as a wonderful singer, as well as a passable actress who seems completely to buy into her character. This is definitely not a trivial task, as the plot as a whole is rather hokey and the monster in the film looks really cheap and rubbery. I personally cannot imagine myself having to pretend to be frightened of it, but the cast really does a pretty good job with it and overall. In short: Watch it, enjoy it. Don't expect 'Grease' going in, and you won't be disappointed coming out. And BTW, look for Pia's duet with Jermaine Jackson on 'When the rain begins to fall' at the beginning of the movie. I don't think it has anything to do with the rest of the movie, but it is a cute little rock video.
Randall Phillip Why Lord? Why? WARNING: SPOILERS CONTAINED HEREIN. The Jermain Jackson/Pia Zadora opening music number is a spectacle of retardation. Two other equally bad musical numbers worth seeing are the walking on the moon love song and the nature of the beast song. The rest are not good enough and not bad enough to endure. None of the jokes are remotely funny. This movie really hurts and kills brain cells. It can be used to torture prisoners with. However, I can see the appeal it may have to some. If you like this type of 80's musical trash I recommend you see much more entertaining movies like Get Crazy with Malcom McDowell (sp?) singing rock music (whew boy!) and Club Life with Dee Wallace singing 80's pop (ouch!). Both are horrid, but much more amusing than this piece of crap. Just my opinion.
Björn-Erik Voyage of the Rock Aliens is perhaps the goofiest of Pia's movie ventures. It features the arrival of some extraterrestrials who look an awful lot like a 1980's pop music group. Pia is the rockin' teenaged diva who becomes the center of conflict between the aliens and the town's local band of rock and roll rebels.Tacked on to the beginning of the movie in a rather strange framing sequence is the video for the song "When the Rain Begins to Fall," a duet between Pia and Jermaine Jackson. Jackson doesn't appear in any of the rest of the movie.