Titanic II
Titanic II
NR | 24 August 2010 (USA)
Titanic II Trailers

On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami hurls an ice berg into the new ship's path, the passengers and crew must fight to avoid a similar fate.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
srbendeck-64046 What a waste of time, maybe it was made entirely on a swimming pool, very poor directing and acting and the story is bad
ironhorse_iv Written, direct, and starring Shane Van Dyke. This disaster movie is indeed, a disaster. Produce by the infamous Asylum Studios for the Syfy Channel, the film has a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," set sail on the 100th anniversary of the maiden voyage of the original passenger liner. Like its original namesake, an iceberg once again, strike the new ship's path, causing the passengers and crew, on a path for survival. Without spoiling the movie, too much, I have to give the film, some props. At least, this movie was not as bad as the three Italian/Spanish's animations movies (1999's 'The Legend of the Titanic', 2000's 'Titanic: the Legend Continues' & 2004's 'In Search of the Titanic AKA Tentacolino" were. It wasn't really that offensive to the victims of the 1912 ship sinking as well. Last, but not least, it was also a good thing that the movie wasn't a total knock off sequel, of the 1997's classic, 'Titanic". It did try to do, something unique, by cutting down on the fantasy-romantic overtones, and having no flashback sequences. Instead, it took a different turn, by introducing a few other things into the story; such as a global warming message, follow by coast guards & the navy trying to warn the ship. Because of that, the film felt more like a rip-off of 2004's disaster film, 'the Day After Tomorrow' than a 'Titanic' rip-off. Nevertheless, those parts, felt like filler & the main survival story felt highly generic & clichés as it felt, too similar to 2006's 'Poseidon'. Plus, it was still poorly done. None of the science makes any sense. While, it's true that Manhattan island size ice sheets has fallen in the water, before. None of them, have cause a major tsunami that carry out, throughout the ocean. The reason why, is that collapsing ice sheets only have the potential stored relative to its rough height above water level and will stop moving water when it floats. Even if, a tsunami was cause by an ice sheet collapse, it would local and barely noticeable, by any ship in mid-ocean. Waves only increase in height when the ocean depth decreases near coastal areas. Another thing, while, scientists couldn't begin to speculate whether a wave could move through water faster than the speed of sound. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration AKA NOAA, major tsunamis travel approximately 475 mph in 15,000 feet of water, which is about the average depth of the ocean. It would take a force like the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa to generate a wave, close enough to move at 800 miles per hour. Nevertheless, such events depicted in this film is nearly almost impossible to happen. Plus, it highly unlikable of tsunami like that, would take out a nuclear submarine below water or an aircraft flying above. I would find a rogue wave, a little more believable. Still, the artistic license toward science didn't take me out of the movie. It was the bad CGI. Every special effect in this movie was a failure. It looks highly fake-looking. The film also became very jarring, whenever, it badly edit, mix real-life location like the RMS Queen Mary, with graphic models that they made on a limited budget. None of them, really looks like it belong to a ship supposed to be a replica of the first Titanic. What also ruin the film for me; was how none of the surrounding supporting characters seem like they belong in a film like this. Their surface level, lack of depth, rag-like appearance, and highly annoying, clumsy & idiotic nature, such as running to elevators, them, never anticipated being hit from the side, & using credit cards as bandages in a room full of medical supplies, made them, look out of place. Even the acting from them, weren't any good. Highly acclaim actors like Bruce Davidson were highly mediocre, despite possesses genuine charisma. As for the two main leads. Marie Westbrook as Amy Maine was cringe-inducing. Her character was highly useless as a damsel in distress with no likeability. Also, Westbrook is awful actress, whom can't act, if her life depend on it. As for Shane Van Dyke, as young engineer/entrepreneur Hayden Walsh. He was alright in the role, but highly inadequate at parts. Also, the lack of character development or depth from them, cause a lack of empathy from me. None of their deaths matter. Even with the highly depressing ending with nearly everybody dying. Titanic II still lacks an emotional punch to stand out. That's how much, audiences didn't care. It wasn't compelling. In the end, like, Australian billionaire Clive Palmer Titanic II idea, this film should had never been made. However, since it did. This is one movie, not worth sailing for. Highly don't recommended seeing. Don't check it out. It sunk.
mcgaha-94387 I am gobsmacked at the idea that this film actually made its way to any screen, let alone mine. From as early as the title, I knew not to expect much. I was wrong. This film delivered. And what it delivered is a stunning example of film-making so fantastically bad that, ninety minutes earlier, I wouldn't have thought it possible.within the unmitigated failure of this project, it would seem that they threw lines of dialog on a page and then counted on the CGI to carry the rest. Unfortunately, the CGI in this film is close, but not as good as when I learned to use the numbers on my pocket calculator to spell out "BOOBS".Filmed half in a dank basement, the rest was filmed on the Queen Mary, using tilting cameras to pronounce the ever increasing, yet entirely inconsistent list of this most fictional of ships (it's a shame the extras weren't told which way to lean). The CGI effects enveloped what remained, and to the credit of the makers, it was too dark to really see anything at all. For that, I'm eternally grateful.There are precious moments to be cherished. One which comes to mind was when the protagonist and her young Richard Branson-ish love interest are stymied by an errant extension cord poised over a dollop of sea-water. Or better, when a helicopter carrying the well-meaning scientist is confronted by an impossibly tall wave and must climb in order to avoid being swallowed whole. The pilot is seen to cry out, "Pull up!! I repeat - pull up!!", and then sure enough, he pulls back on the stick, leaving us to wonder, "who the hell was he taking to?" There is a place for films like these. No, no, I don't mean in theaters - God no. Films like these are an inspiration to the rest of us, giving a very clear assurance that indeed we really could do a better job, even with sock-puppets and a cardboard box. Otherwise, films like these are a simple and special form of entertainment for those times when the bottle is nearly empty and you can't see much anyway.
stonedraim **** May contain strong spoilers ****This is a review made by StoneDraim... and that means that if you want to read a probably different kind of review, keep reading....This is my personal experience, my personal point of view/perspective and my personal opinion... and my opinion is just one of like 7 billions in this world.First off, I thought the whole concept and the movie itself of Titanic 2 was a joke. Like a "trailer joke". Then I heard that there really is a movie called Titanic 2. After that.... I heard some things about this movie and looked it up on IMDb... and....well.... 1.8 says a lot. Anyway; to get more understanding and appreciation of really good productions and a total quality of a motion picture, I went on and watched it.The ONLY thing that is of near approved quality in this one is Bruce Davison. How he accepted this production is a enormous enigma. Sad.Take the adult industry and how the production use to be. This is in many cases even worse. If you are a serious movie viewer, see this one as education. Otherwise; you have been warned.Over to the movie as a product: - The production : Awful balance of picture and music. Music itself low budget overall, and... well....bad. The animations and special effects; the concepts of animations and special effects should be ashamed to allow this kind of amateur work. Movie recording quality is similar from an 1980 poor example of an adult production. - The actors : Actors...? Where....? (Bruce Davison is maybe the exception.) Bad boy, Shane Van Dyke, bad boy! - The story : Did anyone give it a real reflection on how reprehensible the small adjustment from the storyline of "Titanic" this is...? Well...?! ....exactly....so I thought. - Entertainment : Entertainment. Yes. I want that too. - Age : 112,0 out of 10. (The final rate is based most on my own entertainment of the movie. Short elucidation of the rating: 4 Failed. Lacking in character. 3 Bad. Weak. Foul. 2 Amateur, small-time, bad... and misconduct. 1 Poor. Lousy. There should be proper laws against this. Press delete. 0 Ignoble... and jail time should be served.)