Von Ryan's Express
Von Ryan's Express
NR | 23 June 1965 (USA)
Von Ryan's Express Trailers

Von Ryan's Express stars Frank Sinatra as a POW colonel who leads a daring escape from WWII Italy by taking over a freight train, but he has to win over the British soldiers he finds himself commanding.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
georgewilliamnoble It is hard for me to believe that this film is now 51 years old. It seems like only yesterday that i stumbled on this gem in my first flush of cinema going youth. Based on a popular book of the era, this is world war 2 as adventure, and not in any way a recreation of events. Do not confuse this action escape yarn with the John Frankenheimer/Burt Lancaster drama The Train, that excellent movie is a very different animal. In Mark Rodson's Von Ryan's Express the emphasis is on entertaining high adventure and in its day this was an exciting escape thriller. Sinatra in his most successful box office role plays a brash self motivated American officer who leads a mostly British train load of prisoners of war to safety via the Swiss alps from internment in occupied Italy aided by many good none Nazi Italian's. The friction between the stiff regimented Brit's and the free loading American improvisation has been done so many times it has long been a creche but here it is very entertainingly achieved.I do hope i will not spoil the film for a first time viewer but the ending differs from the book with a so dull but very period down beat ending. As a foot note back in 1965 pop music and the charts was my generations "Cell Phone/Computer Game" where we were at, happening! Only slowly therefore did i discover Sinatra was a singer first and an actor second, but to this very day, i consider Sinatra a true movie star. Please give "Von Ryan's Express" a watch and i'm sure you will enjoy this cinematic moment in time.
Leofwine_draca VON RYAN'S EXPRESS is another decent Hollywood WW2 adventure. It's not as good or as iconic as WHERE EAGLES DARE but it's still a highly suspenseful thrill-ride of a movie, although a little drawn out in places. I particularly liked the way that the story is quite impossible to predict throughout, with lots of little twists you don't see coming which last right up until the climax.Frank Sinatra plays the cocky, all-American fighter pilot hero who is sent to a prisoner of war camp in Italy where he butts heads with the grizzled British officer Trevor Howard (on very fine form). I won't spoil the plot, but there are plenty of different situations taking place here, and as the title would suggest a large part of the film is set on board a train. I personally love train films and the train action here doesn't disappointed, loaded with suspense and action as it is.The supporting cast is a mix of reliable old hands (Adolfo Celi, Michael Goodliffe, Brad Dexter) and fresh-faced newcomers (James Brolin, the delectable Raffaella Carra). The exemplary direction is from the hugely experienced Mark Robson, a man who started out with Boris Karloff spook shows such as ISLE OF THE DEAD and finished with '70s disaster movies like EARTHQUAKE. It's another feather in the cap for a man with an extraordinary career.
gavin6942 An American POW (Frank Sinatra) leads a group of mainly British prisoners to escape from the Germans in WWII.Rumors of a personality clash between star Frank Sinatra, who was flown by helicopter to the set, and director Mark Robson were not enough to cause problems as the film was shot with relatively little trouble. However, Sinatra did insist that the ending of the film be altered. Sinatra also insisted the film be shot in Panavision rather than Fox's CinemaScope.It's interesting to imagine a time where Frank Sinatra demanded enough respect on a movie set that he could boss the director around, be able to pick the camera used, and even get the script re-written. Gee, Frank, why not just be a producer if you want so much authority?
tompbusiness I always wondered why the prisoners just didn't get out and run through the train tunnel. At one point, they were trying to take a foot bridge around the mountain with Switzerland being on the other side of the mountain. If they had just run through the tunnel they would have been very well protected from the planes and the Germans on the troop train never would have caught them on time. It didn't make sense to me that the option they chose was to repair the track and drive the whole train through. One could argue it was because they had wounded to carry but that would have also applied to taking the footbridge around the mountain.