Crimson Romance
Crimson Romance
NR | 12 October 1934 (USA)
Crimson Romance Trailers

After Fred von Bergen, a German immigrant in America, is forced from his job by anti-German hysteria before the first world war, he and his friend Bob Wilson leave America and join the German air force. There, both men fall in love with ambulance driver Alida Hoffman. When America enters the war, Bob is caught between loyalty to his home country and the threat of execution for desertion and treason to Germany. It remains for his friend Fred to extricate him from the dilemma - but at what cost?

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
mark.waltz A lot of history can be recorded in a century, and while we haven't yet reached the centennial of America's involvement in the great war, society advancements make it seem like a millennium. Look at aircraft alone, from the one seaters of more than a century ago to the huge airline industry of today. America's involvement in the first world war didn't come until the end if it, and certainly the outcome for the boys was grim when they returned. An American pilot leaves the service of his country when his German pal is kicked out over paranoia during pre- American involvement times. He follows his friend to Germany and ends up serving under the Kaiser. But America's involvement is inevitable, causing conflict inside him, as does his love for a pretty German girl. "Please don't go away mad. Just go away", he tells his German pal, but under the thumb of commander Erich von Stroheim, he finds more than his share if issues to deal with.There's believable conflict in this above average B film that flies by in an hour. Ben Lyon is quite good as the American, with von Stroheim both subtle and powerful in his supporting role. This gives a reminder that the enemy is not always individually rotten as we would like to think, and the conflicts of war involve more than just two sides. Seeing that this came out as Germany was rebuilding under the Nazi's makes this all the more interesting and in the case of when it was released, very timely.
dbborroughs When Fred is forced to leave his job as a test pilot for being a German immigrant his friend Bob goes with him. These are the days prior to America's entry in to World War One and anti German hysteria is running high. Unable to find work Fred decides to return to Germany "where he's wanted" and Bob goes with him. Both men fall in love with a pretty ambulance driver complicating their friendship. Things get even more complicated when America enters the war and Bob feels he must join his fellow countrymen on the other side. His only hope to escape would be with Fred's help, but to do so would put Fred into terrible danger.Interesting war drama about love, friendship and nationalism in time of war. Certainly its a pot boiler first (and a good one at that) but it also forces you to wonder which is more important friendship or country? The answer isn't that easy especially when any choice will be deadly. There really isn't much more to say beyond that except its a good little movie thats well told. Its an enjoyable hour and change that probably won't change your life but will keep you entertained.