Voices from Beyond
Voices from Beyond
| 01 March 1991 (USA)
Voices from Beyond Trailers

Wealthy businessman Giorgio Mainardi has died of a stomach hemorrhage, but his ghost is not so sure that it was a random misfortune and wants to know the truth. Unfortunately, almost everyone around him is happy to see him gone. Everyone, that is, except for his daughter Rosy, who still feels affection for her father even though they have drifted apart. With her medical student boyfriend, Johnathan, Rosy will try to get to the bottom of her father's death.

Wordiezett So much average
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Matthew Janovic This is another one that isn't all-that-bad! It's a post-Sachetti scripted story (co-written by Fulci), but it's still a great supernatural-mystery sprinkled-with the horror that Lucio Fulci-fans adore. A brief-synopsis: a young-girl's father has been murdered by-poisoning, and a telepathic-link is formed between the deceased and the child. However, time-is-slipping-away for them, as the communication between the dead-man and his daughter is dependent-on the decay of the corpse--the more he rots (which Fulci shows us in delightful-detail), the weaker-the-link of communication. Will they discover who murdered him? Reminiscent of the opening-prologue of "Sunset Boulevard", Fulci delivered his last good horror-film here, there would be no-others. Having a narrative partly-delivered-by a dead-man was (and is) still uncommon, and an interesting experiment by Fulci which bears-fruit.I found-myself pondering on the many-many issues of mortality watching this film, and it can certainly be read as a parable of the link the living share with the dead--the dead do speak-to-us, but we have to listen-carefully, and usually with detecting and forensics!Understanding the dead--in-part--is understanding the human-condition. Eventually, we have to let-go of the deceased, and move-on. One has to marvel that such an ailing-man (diabetes plagued Fulci his entire life) was capable of such a film, done with an almost non-existent budget. Fulci had a very tender-relationship with his daughter, so it could be inferred that there is some autobiography at-play here.Fulci knew he was dying slowly of diabetes.Fulci was a valued-director--he could deliver under austere-conditions, and with over-50 films, his "hit-ratio" is surprisingly-high. He was cheap, and he usually delivered a solid-film with so little. Always remember that a majority of his films were made for under $1 million, and you begin to understand how truly-great he was as a director, a veritable-magician. People who compare other films by a director aren't worth listening-to, because people and times change. Yes, the films are frozen, but why should we be frozen too? Voices From Beyond is well-worth repeated-viewings, and almost totally-forgotten. Sure, it isn't his best film, but it's pretty good. It teaches us that we can let-go of the deceased, since they are always with us anyway. Long-live Lucio Fulci's legacy!
CMRKeyboadist This is one of the last films Fulci directed and you can tell. As this is a decent film it is not a horror movie. It's more of a mystery with very little of what made Fulci a great horror/gore director. It really does stray from the norm for Fulci as this story is more on the story and characters than it is on gore.Basically, a very wealthy man dies an unnatural death (spewing up blood). His family are all a bunch of money grubbers except his daughter (who is the star of the movie). She has a dream one night that her father comes to her and tells her that he was murdered and that she needs to find the person that killed him before it's too late.Now, the story is kind of interesting but things just don't click together. You can tell with many of the scenes that Fulci was trying to incorporate his psychedelic horror style but the story wasn't right for that style. There were though many scenes that were good and very eye catching. The music in the movie was very hypnotic and enjoyable. The big problem with this movie is the gore. There is very little gore. The gore that is in the movie doesn't even go on par with his work in the late 70's and early 80's. Though, there was one funny scene at the beginning of the movie involving a crying child and his crazed father threatening to stab him with a knife.Over all, for Fulci fans I have to rate this a 3/10. For a regular movie, I have to rate this a 5/10. It's not bad but it's not good.
Buio_Omega ****WARNING!!!!! POSSIBLE SPOILERS***Voices From Beyond is the last Fulci' work. It's about rich businessman Giorgio Mainardi who dies suffering, spewing blood, and his whole family is watching as he suffers. When Giorgio dies, his spirit connects from beyond the grave with his beloved daughter Rosie to find out, who is responsible for his death.This film is a little bit of disappointment, but there are some interesting scenes giving thrills. Not much gore - Fulci's trademark, but includes a zombie attack, rotting head and some eyeballs pretending to be fried eggs. Recommended for Fulci completists and true die-hard fans. I give 5 out of 10.
gridoon One of Lucio Fulci's last films, this is a cross between a murder mystery and a horror shocker. It has a rather weak script and resolution (it just doesn't seem to matter much who did it one way or the other), but it's stylishly, sometimes imaginatively directed by Fulci. (SPOILERS FOLLOW)......Some viewers called this too tame; I guess it depends on your standards. It does feature a gruesome autopsy scene, repeated shots of worms munching on a rotting corpse, a attack by decomposed zombies (!) and a scene of a man who spits blood. Not your normal "mystery" stuff, I'd say. (**1/2)