PG-13 | 07 October 2016 (USA)
Voiceless Trailers

A young, reserved war veteran moves to North East Philadelphia to start an inner city community outreach and puts his life on the line to stand against an abortion clinic that moved across the street from his building.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
ethal-10611 This movie's "moral" basically amounts to... If someone doesn't share your beliefs and won't sacrifice their physical and financial well-being just to make you feel better, assault them!
Seasons of Opportunities Voiceless - a powerful movie about a very touchy subject - abortion/pro- life stance. In the movie a discharged war veteran takes on a small inner city project. He works at building a church by using a boxing ring and other ministries to reach people in the community and draw them in. Across the street from the church is a family planning office. The flip side is that they also perform abortions. He wrestles with this and how God would want him to handle it as he daily sees women going in and out of that building. This movie is likely to stir up some controversy. Personally, I feel like the issue is well addressed. As Christians we should not sit back idle, but what we do should be based on what God calls each of us to do individually. Most importantly, we should be supportive of each other and encourage each other, not try to talk someone out of what God has called them to do. The movie does contain some violence, fitting to the location and happenings of the story line. Several are mocked for their witness or the stand they take. The lead character has some aggressive tendencies but usually expressed in defensive mode not outright uncontrollable rage. There is a bit of tension between him and his wife, that I feel like the movie addressed in a positive manner.All in all, I would say this movie should encourage Christians not only to take a strong stand for what they believe in, but do it in a way that would honor God. It also inspires us to be the person who makes a change, who not only talks the talk but walks the walk, the person who steps up to the plate to give assistance to those who need a way out, not just offer it with our voices. It is easy to say we are pro-life and criticize, but what are we doing to bring a reform? How many people are we willing to help? This movie is a powerful motivator and although I am sure will be viewed with much dispute, it is worth watching!I was blessed with an opportunity to watch this movie a bit before its release in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to review it positively.
kent-27210 This is a powerful movie! The film Demonstrates what a powerful difference One person can make in their community And how standing for what is right can Influence the people we come in contact With in our daily lives. Also, it demonstrates That when we are unwilling to confront evil, It can persist in our own cities and communities. I thought the acting was very good, the setting Was perfect and the story line was believable. I thought me main character Playing the pastor was realistic in the sense of someone returning From war and trying to adjust to civilian life. I was somewhat concerned With the fighting that was in the movie but after finishing the movie, I thought it fit the setting and plot and most of it was defensive in nature. Unfortunately, in poor inner city communities, Violence is part of every day life and it is something we should all oppose. The "violence" that was in this movie I took as "keeping it real"! Any negative Comments related to "interracial marriage" is uncalled for because we are One human race!
Andrew Franklin Due to certain circumstances, I saw this film four months before its theatrical release. Thus, to the best of my knowledge, this is not only the first negative review of Voiceless but the first review of it at all. And as the first reviewer of this film, I must say that it is not only horribly made but dangerous.This is not the worst Christian film ever made, and it is far from the best. It takes certain risks, such as having a tattooed protagonist and an interracial marriage, that other Christian films would not take. The cinematography and acting are B-movie competent, enough so as not to distract, but the screenplay is a disjointed mess. First of all, the "hero" is dangerously violent throughout, and this is not resolved by the film's end. He runs a boxing gym, which is entirely irrelevant to the film, only serving to connect characters. The only possible antagonist appears for less than five minutes; the filmmakers attempt to humanize her, only to immediately gloss over her (logically sound) justification for running a women's clinic that offers abortions.And whether you believe abortion should be allowed or not (if you've seen the film, you're probably thinking not), the implications about abortions and the women who have them in this film are not only inaccurate but carry the potential to be severely dangerous to real-life women and their children. It is painstakingly obvious that there were no female voices involved in the creative process, with the film presenting the notion that women only have abortions because their parents or partners force them to. Worse yet, the film makes it immediately clear that the women's clinic in question provides services to women far beyond abortions, services such as gynecological check-ups and cancer screenings that otherwise might not be available to them. And what does the protagonist do? Ignore this and decide that the best course of action is to have the clinic closed.By far the most offensive, inaccurate, and dangerous suggestion in the film comes in one of its most pivotal story lines. For context, our blond war vet protagonist is approached by a young woman, who asks if God will forgive her for terminating her pregnancy and if her baby will go to Heaven. Despite his best efforts, said young lady goes through with her abortion, ultimately committing suicide out of guilt. And what does our protagonist gather about the clinic from this? That the clinic made her do it. That she wasn't sure if she was ready to have an abortion but the clinic MADE her anyways. Not "allowed" (an offensive suggestion in its own right, but more stomachable). "MADE."I cannot, in good conscience, give this film any higher than the minimum rating. It is a travesty both cinematically and morally. There's a quote from the Rotten Tomatoes critical consensus for the film Courageous that I like to refer to when speaking about low- budget Christian movies such as this that emphasize message over character or plot: "While the filmmaking is fairly competent, Courageous is overall worthless to anybody who doesn't subscribe to its dogmatic agenda." The last eleven words apply to this film.