Violent Shit
Violent Shit
| 01 January 1989 (USA)
Violent Shit Trailers

A demented, wicked, deformed, cannibalistic killer named K. The Butcher Shitter (Karl Berger), escapes from the police and slaughters people in many gory, bloody ways.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
BA_Harrison An escaped psycho with a massive meat-cleaver hacks his way through lots of people, meets Jesus, and 'gives birth' to a baby.German underground horror director Andreas Schnaas' definitely can't be accused of giving his debut splatter-fest a misleading title: Violent Sh*t is both violent and sh*t! Without even the slightest hint of an intelligible plot to get in the way of the endless barrage of offensive visuals, the film acts primarily as a showcase for Schnaas' cheap-jack gore effects, which range from the fairly routine (severed heads, hands and assorted meat-cleaver murders) to the downright revolting (a woman is cut open from her snatch upwards and disembowelled).The blood gushes in impossibly bright red, the various prosthetic body-parts look thoroughly unconvincing, the dialogue is dreadful (best/worst line: 'this bullsh*tting job is f*ucking me to sh*ts'), there is an overuse of horrible video effects (solarisation and shuddery imagery), all the actors are unattractive with the majority sporting nasty mullets or perms, and no-one even thinks to fight back against the killer.However, despite being one of the most inane, poorly constructed, and downright shoddy pieces of film-making I'll probably ever see, I've got to admit that, as a card carrying gore-hound, I enjoyed Violent Sh*t just a little for its sheer audacity, and occasionally, its plain weirdness.4.5 out of 10, rounded up to 5 for IMDb.
CMRKeyboadist Wow... that's all that came out of my mouth after I watched the first of the series. This film is single handedly the most disgusting movie ever made, and I loved it. There is virtually no storyline at all, just Karl the Butcher running around in the countryside brutally slaughtering unsuspecting victims. Now, as this movie has no storyline it does pull off certain feelings when you are viewing it that make you feel rather uncomfortable. The music is very appropriate and very creepy and the camera work is actually kind of cool in a very low budget type of way. There are 2 sequels to this movie and it seems that most people like the sequels more but I enjoyed the first one much more than the others. Probably because of the brutality of the murders in the first one were so harsh in comparison and also because there wasn't any real storyline. This movie gets a 9/10 from me.
bert_i_gordon Violent Sh*t was the first "film" (video) by Andreas Schnass. While it's a terrible movie, it does have some merit, and arguably, some scenes that are almost artistic ( the Jesus scene, which shows Karls inability to become one with Christ, or become good, because all he knows is violence). Or something like that. Or just no......Whatever it is, it's not "anti- religious" like some people have stated. Although, I can see how it could be offensive, but then again, if you are easily offended, what are you doing watching "Violent Sh*t"?It starts out with Karl as a boy killing his abusive mother, but not until after smiling directly into the camera and laughing. We then cut to 20 years later, with Karl escaping from the police and killing various people for the next 57 minutes with a gigantic cleaver he just happens to have had all this time. He mutates with every murder and passes out, having visions and nightmares of his past were he saw the devil as a child. Finally he melts into a pile of goo, and a baby pops out. Right.For a movie with that title, and it being all about the gory effects, one shouldn't really complain. Anyone who picked up a movie called "Violent Sh*t" and was expecting "Casablanca" is at fault. But don't get me wrong, it is a bad movie. There's just nothing holding it together, except for the gore, and nothing is ever explained.As for direction, I guess it's fine. I know that sounds insane, but in a movie that's all about gore, it's perfectly fine. Schnaas is sure to show all the gore in lingering closeups. Because that's what it's all about, the gore. It's not about Karl's emotional states, or any sort of character development. "There's somebody. Now go kill him". That's it. The same goes for acting, the victims scream fine. And Karl is a mongoloid, or something.Now to clear up some myths and misconceptions surrounding the movie. First off, Andreas Schnaas is not Karl the Butcher. Karl was played by an "actor" named Karl Inger, Schnaas played the loudmouth tree cutter who gets cut in half with a tree trimmer.Another is that all "real gore" was used. Real animal blood and organs. This is obviously fake, because animal blood is not Pepto-Bismal, nor is an animals intestines sausage links, which were obviously used during the gutting scene.Violent Sh*t was the first German direct-to-video horror film.Some people state Violent Sh*t was a successful midnight movie and was pulled by the censors. This cant be true, because I doubt a film print of Violent Sh*t was ever made, and video projectors did not exist in 1987. But on this I could be wrong.In the end Violent Sh*t is a bad movie. No doubt about that. However, there is something interesting about it. Perhaps it's the fact that despite being made tongue in cheek, it's still played brutally straight. And that makes it interesting for a few reasons. What were they thinking? Why was this made? Who was this made for? There some of the same questions that surround a movie like "Blood Freak", or "Legend of Blood Mountain" (both wonderfully bad movies). And at least Schnaas wasn't insulting our intelligence, just his.
world_of_weird One of the other users here describes VIOLENT SH*T as "the worst movie ever made by human hands". That's a perfect description, because this terminally boring exercise in incompetently-staged bloody mayhem is terrible on every imaginable level. It makes HEADLESS EYES look like Stanley Kubrick. Shot on camcorder, with computer-generated titles, migraine-inducing video effects and only the faintest attempts at coherent editing (or coherency of any kind), VIOLENT SH*T has the look of a depressing mid-eighties porno, only not nearly as interesting. Its raison d'etre are the taboo-busting gore scenes, but even these are so hilariously inept you're more likely to laugh than cringe - plastic hands, penises, arms, legs, innards and breasts are sent flying as bright pink blood gushes everywhere and the 'victims' bellow unconvincingly. Karl, the 'butcher sh*tter', resembles Eminem with his denim dungarees and cropped blonde hair, and most of his targets look like they've just wandered out of a Scorpions concert with their mullets, thin moustaches, bleached drainpipe jeans and cowboy boots. If nothing else, the film lives up to it's title, because it's both violent and a huge pile can guess the rest. Incredibly, the man behind this catatonia-inducing bilge (one Andreas Schnaas) has gone on to make several other films. Let's hope at least one of them is an improvement over this effort, which is as close a movie has ever come to replicating the sensation of being repeatedly bashed over the head with a tin tray for 75 minutes. Nice when it stops.