Verliebte Jungs
Verliebte Jungs
| 10 May 2001 (USA)
Verliebte Jungs Trailers

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Steineded How sad is this?
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
fletcher-1 Tunk: Great beer-drinking movie, this is what we do all day. Having a beer in our holidays at 10 in the morning is the like having sex at the "Süntelturm". Usually we wake our dog not every day, but when we want to have have sex we go for a walk. Knut, Du, ja Du, Du bist doch voll, äh foll, mit doppel foll....oh kein englisch here, sorry... Sina: Sorry, this guy is really full!!!!! But the movie is really cool!! Our friend tested it and went for a walk with a Golden Retriever (!!!!) every morning - and it worked .... he has now five girls, and they are all his best friends !!!!!!!! And he has got photos from all of them!!!!!!! He is called Micha!! Write him an e-mail and have fun!!!!! You see, German films are more realistic than you think!!! Nee, wirklich, we like those sort of films, European films show the "real" problems in life, American films alway pretend to, but it´s always show!!!!! Americans always think, they are the best and they will save the world and nothing works without them!!!! European films like this one and even more examples are always a great mixture of fun, romance and seriousity and you can always somehow identify with the scenes. American movies always pretend the perfect way of life and they s....!!!! miha: Well... What shall I add... I share the opinion, that this is in definetly one of the better german moviez, because it reflects more than other german films, the major problems of predulexcents in germany. By rhe way it is a really amusing film in a nearly realistic environment. So... enjoy the film! Don´t dare to miss it!