Contract Killer
Contract Killer
| 03 April 1998 (USA)
Contract Killer Trailers

Financially troubled, a newbie hitman reluctantly takes the job of finding the plotted killer of a Japanese tycoon.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Paul Magne Haakonsen As much as I do enjoy Asian cinema, it just pains me to my very soul whenever I get an Asian movie that has been released as an English dubbed version. And especially bad is it when the DVD doesn't even offer the option to change the audio track into the original language. And unfortunately "Contract Killer" (aka "Sat sau ji wong") is such a dubbed movie. And what perplexes me even more is that the dubbing voice actors never do a proper work. It is always done so poorly that it becomes laughable.Anyone familiar with Hong Kong cinema will be thrilled to see Simon Yam, Eric Tsang, Gigi Leung and of course Jet Li in "Contract Killer". Simon Yam provides the serious acting, Eric Tsang provides the comical relief and Jet Li is of course doing the action.But they were being brutally butchered by a pathetic English dubbed audio track.Story-wise then "Contract Killer" is very typical for the action movies that were coming out of Hong Kong cinema during the late 1990's. That being said, it is of course up to the individual viewer whether that is good or bad. I did find it entertaining enough for what it was, I just struggled to swallow that dubbing pill.Aside from the dubbing horror, then the music in the movie was mostly very poorly selected; and here I'm thinking of the title track, the music played during the rather impressive elevator shaft fight scene and during the last fight scene."Contract Killer" appeals to anyone with a lifelong love romance with Hong Kong cinema. For newcomers there are far better Hong Kong action movies available. And as for it being a Jet Li movie, well don't get too excited, because it is not amongst his best work.
leonblackwood Review: The only thing that kept me interested in this film was the chemistry between Jet Li and his newly found agent. Apart from that, there isn't that much action but the storyline is half decent. The witty script was funny in parts but Jet Li didn't really show that much emotion throughout the whole movie. He seemed to look a bit lost most of the time, which is why his sidekick played a big part in keeping this movie interesting. After a big crime lord is mysteriously killed, a big wager is put on the table to find the killer. Once the murderer is revealed, he joins forces with Li to take down the crime lords, who didn't have any intention in paying out the big reward for finding the killer of his grandfather. I was hoping for big action scenes with different hit men, but I was quite disappointed with the direction that the director took the storyline. With all that aside, it's worth a watch just to see a different side to Li and some of the scenes are really funny. Average!Round-Up: With only one movie left in my Jet Li season, I can't wait to start collecting the old Kung Fu movies because I have enjoyed some of the action, which doesn't have the crazy flying in the air scenes. As for Jet Li, I'm definitely impressed with his martial arts skills but I'm not that impressed with the movies that he has made lately. I've watched a few interviews with Jet Li which shows that he is quite a funny man who doesn't take life that seriously, which you can see in some of his films, but he really need to start making some better movies. Anyway, I found this movie funny but not that great in the action department.I recommend this movie to people who are into their Jet Li movies about a down and out man who joins up with an agent to track down a murderer for a large amount of money. 4/10
callanvass This is great fun all the way, with fantastic fight scenes, a cool story and a wonderful finale!. All the characters are great, and i thought Keiji Sato was quite menacing as the main villain, plus Jet Li is simply amazing in this!. The fight choreography is excellent, and the character development is quite good as well!, plus Jet Li and Eric Tsang had great chemistry together!. It also had some great humor and the dubbing wasn't all that bad, plus Simon Yang rocked in his role as the Det.!.It has some cool plot twists, and the main fight between Jet and Keiji Sato was especially good!, plus all the characters were very likable!. It's pretty well written and made, and the opening was simply awesome!, plus the identity of the King of the killers was quite a shock to me!. The plot is very well done, and i feel this is one of Jet's most underrated films!, plus i thought Jet's acting was fantastic!.You get to see a lot of Jet's natural ability here, and i think this movie should at least be around the 6.9, 7.0 range!, on this site, plus The ending was great. This is great fun all the way, with fantastic fight scenes, a cool story and a wonderful finale, i highly recommend this one!. The Direction is great!. Wei Tung does a great! job here with very good camera work, great angles and keeping the film at a very fast pace!. The Acting is excellent!. Jet Li is amazing as always, and is amazing here, he is extremely likable, looks damn cool in Black, is quite funny, intense, was fantastic in the acting department, had great chemistry with Eric Tsang, was focused and just did an amazing job! (Jet Rules!!!!). Eric Tsang is hilarious as Jet's agent, he had some cool lines and cracked me up throughout i loved him.Simon Yam absolutely rocked in his role,had that great look of intensity on his face at all times, and was especially awesome in the finale! (Yam Rules!!!). Keiji Sato is good as the main villain, he was quite menacing, and was perfect for the role!. Gigi Leung is very cute and did fine with what she had to do as the daughter i liked her lots. Paul Rapovski is wicked as the tall guy he rocked!.Rest of the cast are OK. Overall i highly recommend this one!. ***1/2 out of 5
lloydthegreat I bought this movie on DVD for just £4.00 and im very impressed with it, what a bargain !Its funny (very funny in some parts), fast and the guy who plays Li's friend in this movie is a hilarious hapless character.This movie has some interesting, new aproaches to Hong Kong movies. Such as a bad guy who wears extremely powerful laser-lights to blind his enemy - sounds cheesy, but ill hear your opinion once you have seen it in action, its very effective.Jet Li's performance in this movie is by far his best, although 'Fist Of Legend' is still his best movie all-round. This movie is still well worth anybodies Fiver' (or five bucks :) .