The Enforcer
The Enforcer
| 02 March 1995 (USA)
The Enforcer Trailers

An undercover cop struggling to provide for his son and ailing wife, must infiltrate a ruthless gang. But things turn sour when another cop blows his cover and he quickly finds himself battling for his life and the lives of his family.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Comeuppance Reviews Kung Wei (Li) is a loving husband and father, but has to spend a lot of time away from his family because he "has a rapport with these underworld types" and is now deep, deep undercover in an attempt to stop the gang of Po Kwong (Yu), a criminal mastermind with an army of thugs. Wei has an especially strong bond with his young son Johnny (Tse), who, like a pint-sized version of his father, is a Martial Arts expert. When Wei's wife becomes sick, the pressure on him becomes even greater while he's away from his family, and Johnny strikes up a friendship with a female cop named Fong (Mui). While Wei is undercover in Hong Kong, Fong and Johnny follow him there from mainland China. Then the stage is set for the ultimate confrontation: who will be victorious? Find out today...Moodily directed by Corey Yuen, a man whose career as an actor, director and stuntman is simply amazing, and who has been kicking all our butts since Above the Law (1986), he seems to be going for more of a balance between emotional drama and action. While nothing seems out of place, as might be expected the highlights of this movie are the fight/action scenes. There are some really impressive moments, and when the energy is there, it's amazing to watch, but there are certainly some peaks and valleys we as viewers must go through. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing, in fact it may make the action scenes stand out all the more.Thankfully, this movie does have a blonde meathead screaming while shooting a machine gun. So yes, it is truly a work of dramatic art. You know Po Kwong is a villain because he wears his sunglasses at night (and at all other times too), and he and his gang of baddies really put the tot Johnny through hell. Johnny has to go through all manner of trials and tribulations, perhaps even more so than his father does. Many of those things wouldn't fly in America, even in a movie they'd be considered politically-incorrect child abuse. There's even a scene of Johnny being bullied at school: apparently Johnny is a big ant aficionado, and can even train his ants to spell words like "mom"! When some bullies try to break up his ant party, he stops them in the only way that works: fight back! So there are some good lessons here too.The Dragon Dynasty DVD is typically excellent, with many features and a crisp, clear transfer. One of Wei's underworld contacts is subtitled as "G-Dawg", so perhaps there were some concessions to the American market (???) - but at least there aren't any misplaced musical cues like in the U.S. DVD version of the Jet Li outing Contract Killer (1998). In the end, fans should appreciate the killer fight scenes, action moments, and stunt work, while non-action buffs may appreciate the dramatic content. So the appeal here is pretty wide.
JRod I've seen quite a few of these "re-released in America" films lately. 95 percent were only worth watching because of the cool fight scenes, but The Enforcer adds drama and character development to make a well rounded experience. The two boys' friendship is a prime example and is quite touching. Some people complained about fight scenes being unrealistic (wire work). To that I say-every movie from this genre has the same problem, so don't criticize The Enforcer. For those of you who plan to watch this on DVD: I found the English dubbed version (Dimension Home Video) to be much better in quality than the imported Chinese/Mandarin version. Subtitles draw your eyes away so you miss certain things, and the video transfer was pretty bad on the imported version. Bottom line--add this to your collection, it's a keeper.
Mental09 This is one incredible flick. It has everything: Great acting, great fighting, great humor, great warmth, great fighting, great feet, great explosions, great breath, great kid, great father, kick-a** cop, greeeaat women, great plot, wonderful story, great pace, amazing filming and of course; great fighting.This has got to be one of the greatest movies ever. Even MI:2 looks dull compared to this. My recommendation? See this movie. Then see it again. Then rewind and see all the fight-sequences. This is a buyer, keeper and the greatest guy-entertainment ever.
crono_ Before I say anything, I'd like to say that I think Jet Li is great. I'm a huge fan of Hong Kong cinema, and Jet Li is a living legend in action films. It's not Jet that is the problem...The plot is standard fare. Jet Li is an undercover cop who's on the job actions led him to be wanted by the police. His wife dies, and his kid is left to fend for himself. Anita Mui plays a tough Hong Kong cop who uncovers Li for who he is, and makes it her duty to protect the kid. Where this film falls flat is the incredibly unbelievable action sequences and plot circumstances. I don't want to give any spoilers, but just as an example- Anita Mui and this little kid taking down five or six armed thugs. I don't care if she is the top Hong Kong cop, and I don't care if the kid is the world's greatest kung fu kid- no WAY. How about Jet Li and the kid defeating even larger groups of terrorists (in a specific way that both defies gravity and is laughably lame)? That's just two examples of many instances where this becomes nearly un-watchable. I'm not saying an action movie has to be realistic to be entertaining, but please don't insult the viewers intelligence!To be fair, this film isn't totally lost. Li does one of his better acting jobs, and Anita Mui is excellent. The drama side of things is all right, and there were a couple instances of watchable action. But Jet Li can do way better. Jet Li HAS done way better. Just look at "Fist Of Legend", for example.Overall, don't waste your time with this one. 4 out of 10.