Vampire Hunter D
Vampire Hunter D
NR | 26 March 1993 (USA)
Vampire Hunter D Trailers

In a far-future time ruled by the supernatural, a young girl requests the help of a vampire hunter to kill the vampire who has bitten her and thus prevent her from becoming a vampire herself.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
WakenPayne 13 Years Before Wesley Snipes Would Star In The Hit Vampire Hunter Movie Blade The Japs Had Made A Movie Of Their Own Vampire Hunter: D. I Have Only Just Discovered This Series When I Saw The Sequel For The First Time 2 Nights Ago And I Honestly Was Blown Away, Within 2 Days I've Found The Original.D Is Hired To Kill A Vampire That Has Bitten His Employer, A Young Girl.The One Huge Problem This Has Is That I Could Only See The Dub, Unlike All Dubs This One Is Descent (Behold The First Movie With A Good English Dub).D Is Also A Very Interesting Character (Which Is Why I Was Drawn To The Series) And The Voice Actor That Plays Him Wasn't Bad.Overall I Suggest A Viewing To Fans Of Vampire Movies In The Vein Of Blade And Underworld.
dilbertsuperman worthy of mythological status. Vampire hunter D is orgasmic in its' display of visual animated vampire slaying over the top fighting plus witchcraft eye candy- seeing this under the influence of heavy mind altering substances could wind up being downright spiritual since this is so intensely well depicted and intensely graphic.Vampire hunter D is our quiet talking wildly slaughtering Vampire Bounty Hunter- but he as a Dampire - a half vampire - so he is the lonely anti-hero warrior persona ever so popular in anime films- with a flash of his sword he can leave scores of men shooting blood from their lopped off appendages.D, as he is called runs into some competition in trying to track down the girl that it is his job to return to her family at all costs- this creates competition, tension and a romantic moment or two as well- very rich characters, lots of intense, superb witchcraft animations of ancient spells and such- this movie is a work of art!!-One funny thing- if you can read German- is to read the note the vampire reads in the carriage- and compare it to the speech of the English dub voice-over.
Rectangular_businessman For a long time this used to be one of my least favorite anime. I still don't like this at all, but I no longer think this is the worst anime ever made: Now I know that dubious honor belongs to stuff like "Demon Lord Dante" or "Genma Wars". Or "Duel Masters". Or "Dinosaur King". Or any other anime series that tries to be the new Pokémon/YugiohAnyway,I still found this to be a terrible movie: The character designs have potential, but are very poorly animated. The plot is extremely basic, being something one would expect from a cheesy B movie, something that would have been tolerable if it wasn't for the dull and uninteresting characters, with can be easily described as a combination of tired clichés that were done to death even by the time when this movie was made.While I don't think that every single movie should have complex or entirely original plots, I consider that at least should have some interesting elements or at least some entertainment value. This didn't have any of that.."Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust" is much better than this in every possible way.
KharBevNor Vampire Hunter D is the kind of stuff that Manga Entertainment built their business on: old school, action heavy anime with buckets of style. The animation, whilst heavily stylised and nowhere near as crisp as todays fare, works perfectly with the material. Compare the 2000 sequel, 'Bloodlust': the animation in the latter is incredibly slick and the action comes thick and fast, but it might as well be robots fighting in outer space or samurai battling on a mountaintop. What the original does, with its dirty, old fashioned animation is create a decidedly other-worldly and eerie feel, perfectly encapsulated in the strange, mutated beings that roam the hostile countryside, glowing and sidling in a sinister fashion. The overall colour scheme, as well, is very Dario Argento: dark blues and browns prevail over the modern, Akira and Ghost in the Shell inspired trend for green overkill. Character design is, as said, very stylised, but perfectly acceptable, and D himself looks as cool as all hell.As for the plot, there are no problems there, although there are a few cliché moments. The counts boredom, as opposed to the angst that seems to be all the rage in vampire flicks nowadays, is a nice touch, and at no point do characters motives seem unbelievable. The setting is a nicely realised far future post-apocalyptic landscape full of the standard juxtapositions (horse riders with laser rifles) bought to life by the supernatural element, which seems to have taken monsters and critters from anywhere and everywhere, to no detriment. The voice acting is competent, much better than some eighties dubs I could mention (unfortunately I only have this film on VHS, so I can't compare to the original Japanese).Overall, not the best of 80's anime. It lacks the sophistication of Akira or the sheer camp hyperviolence of Fist of the North Star, but it's still a very enjoyable film, and a solid part of the collection of any anime connoisseur.