Beneath Still Waters
Beneath Still Waters
| 02 November 2005 (USA)
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Studying under a disciple of Aleister Crowley, the leader of an upper class group invokes a supernatural force that slowly devours the village of Marienbad and its inhabitants, threatening to spread beyond its geographical limits. The mayor from the town nearby commissions the building of a dam which would flood the valley and therefore submerge the village forever sealing the evil force under water after leader and his followers were incapacitated to be kept from escaping. However, fate ensured the leader's freedom as he remained in the depths when the waters covered Marienbad. Now 40 years later an array of disappearances and deaths in mysterious circumstances are threatening the town next to the reservoir that now covers Marienbad.

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
dayday_is_the_one now I'm no expert in directors , producers and all that B.S. no offense that stuff takes memorizing blablabla but i can tell you i am an expert in actors (acting), special effects, plot and all the on screen stuff, that being said . This movie lacks all the above. The actors were horrible , special effects (what special effects?!), plot (i didn't realize this movie had one, it looked like a bunch of unorganized scenes to me) what i don't understand is how this movie ever got to a theater, there should be some sort of comity to prevent us from watching stupid useless movies like "Beneath still waters" . seriously DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE , not now not ever , not when your bored, nothing else to do, NEVER . You cant say i didn't warn you .
genfu7 Beneath Still Waters is actually pretty enjoyable. If you enjoyed Brian Yuzna's other movies then it is worth seeing. It has gore, nudity, scuba diving and the occult. Many of the other reviews are complaining about the fact it has some rubbish acting at points, cheap production and ridiculous scenes involving the undead or orgies. This is true - it's a Brian Yuzna movie. You'd think they watched Society, captivated by its satire but completely missing the funny side? Sure, Beneath Still Waters is hardly his best work - after all there are no Octostrumpets in this. But on the upside, (unlike Dagon) you can understand what they guy who reveals the backstory is saying. My only real criticism is that the climax of the movie doesn't quite go far enough: they could probably have given more space for mentalism at the end. It's not a bad movie and will give some satisfaction to people who enjoy the glee of it all, but none to those who think needless toplessness and gore is a bad thing.
disdressed12 wow,this thing is really all over the place.sometimes the acting is not other times,it' not good at all.the dialogue ranges from decent to lame.sometimes there's just no context.the tone is a mess.i can't tell if it was supposed to be a thriller, or a black comedy,or a parody.sometimes this thing is just so over the top,it's ridiculous.then,all of a sudden it switches gears,and it seems like it's trying to be serious.there's really more than one movie here.i guess it was an entertaining mess,if nothing else.i give it a 2--no wait--a 6--i mean a 4--or maybe a 7.wait a minute.i'm all over the place.kinda like this movie.i can't give it a rating.i wouldn't know where to start.
The_Void I'd heard nothing but bad things about this film; but decided to track it down anyway simply because it has so much promise. For a start it was directed by Brian Yuzna' part of the creative genius behind Re-Animator and director of horror masterpieces Society and Return of the Living Dead 3; and secondly, the plot; which is based on a book by Matthew Costello, sounded like a great base for a horror movie. I figured that with these two elements in place, things couldn't possibly be as bad as I'd heard. say things went wrong would be an understatement. The plot focuses on a Spanish village named Marienbad; a place where the locals are gradually succumbing to a Satanic cult lead by a man named Mordecai Salas. Someone or other has hatched a plan involving building a dam to flood the town and it's inhabitants; but the plan fails when a couple of no good kids end up freeing the cult leader before the town is engulfed in water. Fast forward forty years and the village of Desbaria stands in its place; though the cult leader is waiting for his revenge.The film gets off to a really good start as we watch a couple of kids traverse across a flooded town and into a brilliantly realised Satanic church where they are greeted by a group of bewitched locals. But once this is over and we move into the present day, things start to go downhill. The main problem with the film is that it's a mess. There are a handful of good ideas but they haven't been put together coherently which takes most of the credibility away from the film. The film also feels very cheap; the poor acting doesn't help in this respect, and neither does the turgid script which is littered with trite lines of dialogue. The film does feature some nice locations, which is nice, but that's really the only good thing I have to say about it. Anyone who has seen more than a few Brian Yuzna films will know that the director likes to let things descend into chaos so he can show a wave of graphic images; and that happens here, but it's not as good as it was in the likes of Society and really just caps off a very disappointing effort. I wouldn't hesitate to name this as Yuzna's worst alongside Faust: Love of the Damned, and only hardcore fans need apply.