Up at the Villa
Up at the Villa
| 05 May 2000 (USA)
Up at the Villa Trailers

Superficial people are revealed and drastically changed by circumstance or luck in this a tale of death, seduction, blackmail and theft among British and Americans in Florence in the turbulent days just before World War II.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Armand a beautiful film. but not convincing at whole. because something missing. but it could be only an impression. the splendid atmosphere, the acting and the emotions translation - all seems be perfect. but the story seems be without precise end or the fundamental piece who complete the puzzle.film about duty of heart, about profound honesty in dark period, with an admirable performance demonstration by Anne Bancroft and a Sean Penn in a real good role, it is the frame of Kristin Scott Thomas work who transforms her character in a sort of scent drop.a sensitive story and a good adaptation. a slice of Italy and a little part from a world. that is all.
Jalea SYNOPSIS/COMMENT: The movie aptly depicts the somewhat hum drum life of an attractive widow (Kristen Scott Thomas), who needs a protector and sponsor. An older man wants the job, he seems agreeable enough and he and the widow have a friendly history. But, it is clear that she is not attractive to him and it would be a marriage of convenience (albeit pleasantly so).The rest of the cast works in that they reflect the dullness and colorlessness of the times (in such a richly colorful place as Italy). People seeking to entertain themselves; mainly older men and women aimlessly hanging on to a foreign country the does not want them. I think that the casting was good. Ann Bancroft was wonderful and James Fox was great Thomas' older suitor. I really like the scenery and the sleepiness of the pacing which picks up after the first half of the movie.Then in the second half of the movie, in an expected turn, the widow, who seems much too naive for her age and station, is the catalyst for an event which causes the roguish character (Sean Penn) to saunters into her life. She spurned him just hours before, but, now she needs his help desperately. And, somehow, his well worn lines become appealing to her, as does he.There is the unlikely pairing of Thomas and Penn characters who are from different worlds, cultures and pedigrees. However, the young widow's choices make a lot of sense if one listens carefully to the dialogue, particularly between her the rogue. The ending is not unexpected, but, well, why don't you can judge for yourself? Check out this movie.
Panamint Beautiful photography and atmospherics capture Florence and environs. Technically very well-made and expensive-looking production.Kristin Scott Thomas is perfect for the role and gives a terrific performance. The other cast members just seem to be giving their "standard" performance (Bancroft's standard mature woman routine that no one does better but she has done it since "The Hindenburg"). Ditto James Fox and the others.The late William Holden could not have accomplished what Sean Penn did in "Mystic River", for which Penn gained a well deserved Oscar award. Conversely, Penn cannot play the Holden-type role in "Up at the Villa". Bad case of miscasting with flat results by Penn. No chemistry with Kristin Scott Thomas at all.How can you make a dull, uninspiring film in an exotic setting with great actors in a highly charged brink-of-war scenario? SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE BUT THE FILMMAKER HERE HAS DONE IT!
gsoares I watched this movie last night, on pay-per-view. It is boring, pointless. Yet it´s got a beautiful art direction, very well executed in all, but just drags on at times.The book by W. Somerset Maugham is not great, the movie could not be either.But what caught my attention the most was the "professionalism" of Sean Penn. Being a huge fan of him, and having read loads of his independent-minded, bold-against-the-system interviews, it is kind of comforting to see him work plainly for the money, or as someone said earlier, acting as a big dude. You come to the conclusion that "Well, even the just and mighty have to put bread on the table".Still I voted it 6, as being worth the watch. But not renting or paying for it like I did... wait till TNT features it for free and with lots of commercials, so you can zap around for something better!!!