| 25 August 2017 (USA)
Unleashed Trailers

When a cosmic event turns Emma's dog and cat into two perfect guys, Emma reconsiders her outlook on dating, hilariously works out her trust issues, and ultimately learns to love herself.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
hscipio7 Anyone who has had dog or cat pets will love this movie. The actors capture the quirks perfectly. Ajax licking his paw and cleaning his hair, is Robin William's funny.
amanda-79574 "Unleashed" is extremely cheery - great soundtrack, super funny and an excellent cast rounded it out. I liked the way the cast worked together, and thought the cat and dog jokes were really well done. Also beautiful shots of the SF Bay Area. Writer Finn Taylor is a masterful storyteller. Overall, uplifting and very sweet film.
bcrdavis-08977 I saw Unleashed at the Sonoma International Film Festival. The movie theater was packed and laughter rang clear, throughout this film. If you have ever loved a cat or a dog, you can so relate to the actions that are assumed by the characters. The story line is sweet and the acting is spot on. I will be encouraging all of my animal-loving friends to see this film when it (hopefully) arrives on the big screen in most communities.
laurallevin Best movie I have seen in years . Laughed out loud belly rolls ! Saw this at the Napa Valley Film Festival and can hardly wait to share it with my friends and family. Great cast , beautiful shots of San Francisco. A true classic for all animal lovers as well . And a definite mood changer . If you need a lift see this movie . Bravo Bravo Bravo The cast is so talented and with people you will recognize. The shots in the city are like what Woody Alllen does for NewYork. I think this should be shared with you nearest and dearest. I dreamed about the movie for 3 days after I saw it and woke up chuckling . And still find myself going back and telling my clients about the scenes . Who also laughed out loud and it made there day brighter while being thought provoking.