| 23 May 2017 (USA)
Unacknowledged Trailers

Dr. Steven Greer presents brand new top-secret evidence supporting extraterrestrial contact, including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage, while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
ene-thiago Even though I would like to believe that most of what is said in this documentary is true, there is something that always bothers me about all alien documentaries: we are almost 8 billion humans. It is estimated that 44% of us owns a smartphone. So you can say there are roughly 3 billion smartphones out there, all capable of capturing footage and posting it online. So why is it that UFO footage is always from a distance, in a low definition, poorly focused and shaky? We have portable devices today capable of capturing HD quality videos, but all we see are these blurry, dodgy quality videos that seem to have come from an old VHS tape in your basement. Yeah, of course, if you are making a video of a UFO, you'll most likely be shaking and nervous and that could affect the quality of the footage, but wouldn't at least SOME of the videos be crystal clear and good quality? Makes you wonder. All in all, good conspiracy documentary. Not a waste of time.
mcw2112-715-105029 The first thing I feel compelled to point out is Greer made a 'big deal' point about Marilyn Monroe and her connection to the Kennedy's, along with her threat to divulge some secrets to Dorothy Kilgallen - and then showed us a few seconds of the lovely Arlene Francis, Ms. Kilgallen's co-panelist on "What's My Line?" When you're trying to persuade people to believe the incredible, you might want to have someone fact-check you on everything to maintain some semblance of integrity. This may seem like a small point to some younger folks, but Ms Kilgallen was very, very famous in her time (late 40's-mid 60's). If they made such a glaring mistake about that, what else did they just throw out there? There's also the blatant partisan Republicans bad/Democrats good garbage that has no place in a UFO documentary. Greer makes it clear that neither presidents nor members of congress, on either side, have this all-important 'need to know', so why do they only show us Republicans as the orchestraters of all things secret? All in all, it was more of the same from Steven Greer and in the final analysis, we still only know what we know and we don't know what we don't know.
morkhaz When your presidents are being told to say something, they hint that they are not calling the shots on this - its wrong right?I mean, all these interviews with them that you can see that. Everyone of them about this subject and things like it, being they cant speak about something which should be trivial.What we can learn from history is that each great civilisation have been infiltrated to such a degree of corruption it would eventually collapse on itself. As they said back then "We where better people now, we know better now" We say it today as well.I cannot believe how hard it was to find this movie in this time of era , let alone all his work, material.This guy's legit and its no Joking matter at this point about whats going on, since if you all look it up its really happening. The evidence is this, somehow its totally ridiculous that we are not alone. its hinted we may not be alone, but if some high up guy wants info or spreads info he's dismissed, fired and discredited - let alone people who does not go along with this plan. even though it cant be too obvious.
tvsgael2-2 Apparently, nobody has caught this error, in the Marilyn part of the film. It talks about Dorathy Killgallen, but it shows a picture of Ann Francis. When I saw that, I stopped it and went back to make sure. Both were on What's My Line, where that clip was taken from. I seem to remember all these old time people and even their faces. Saw them as a kid, and that long memory still works. Great doc which skillfully blends the UFO subject with real gov't cover-ups. Greer's message these days is about the deep, secret state, which does exist and the corporate news we are fed by mainstream media. NO real news can be gotten through any other sources other than sites like Free Thought Project. When I was a kid, I have to laugh about picking up radio news from Cuba on my old Airline radio, which had a short wave switch. I mention this, because they were reporting news from the INTERNATIONAL point of view. I quickly learned that the news is slanted and hand picked by the secret state for our consumption. I was almost shocked when I heard their news. It's the same all over the world. You would be surprised at other countries news programs and their commentary on us.