Paranormal Asylum: The Revenge of Typhoid Mary
Paranormal Asylum: The Revenge of Typhoid Mary
| 17 September 2013 (USA)
Paranormal Asylum: The Revenge of Typhoid Mary Trailers

Filmmaker friends Mark and Andy investigate the legend of Typhoid Mary, a girl who was locked up in an insane asylum that was believed to be haunted. But bad things start to happen after Andy's fiancée conducts a séance to summon Mary's spirit.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Jvaneng Words cannot express how terrible this movie was. I have it ranked as the second worst movie I have ever seen (Dracula 3000 being the worst) Some of the positives on this movie - Michelle had nice white teeth, the men had nicely brushed hair, and the story of Typhoid Mary of course has potential. I think the biggest problem with this film (as everyone else has pointed out) is that there was no chemistry at all, and all the interactions seemed forced and very unbelievable. You can fault the terrible acting, the struggle to remember their lines, or the hokey side stories. Any scene with struggling in it ... wow ... bad doesn't do justice. All in all - the biggest issue was everything. To quote my wife - "Why is this movie lasting so long?" (it runs 89 mins) We watched this for *free* on Netflix, and still felt ripped off (you can fault us for not turning it off I guess)If you are tempted to watch this film ... don't. Grab a camera, some friends, heck - even grab a few drinks, and make your own version, it will be better than this!
Logan Borg If you like watching movies like Grave encounters and come across this movie, DON'T WATCH IT!!!!!! It is absolutely one of the worst movies that I have EVER SEEN IN MY FREAKING LIFE!!!!!! The actors are HORRIBLE, the lines are so lame, the filming looks like you are watching freaking "Days of our lives", and there are no parts that I enjoyed. There are no twists in the movie, there is no suspense, and it has absolutely terrible special effects, which especially disappoints me considering the movie was made in 2013,this year, and I would highly recommend that you do not EVER EVER WATCH THIS HORRIBLE MOVIE!!!!!! I am begging you, DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE IT SUCKS SO MUCH!!!
bwalker5 If I ever invent a time machine I want to go back to 2 hours ago when I rented this movie so I can stop myself.Worst acting I have EVER seen, worst effects, worst suspense, worst script. WOW.Let's start with the continuity. I felt like I was watching those "real" ghost videos on youtube (that teenagers make) all stuck together randomly.Misc stuff: There is no character development, no emotion, no story line. 1. The dude watching folks get killed doesn't call the cops or even tell the people he is on the phone with about what he just saw. 2. The men are chasing girlfriend as she slides down the hall. The camera stays on them and they just quit running. Then we find girlfriend in another room. How did she get there and why didn't the guys chase her into it? 3. Why did this dude record about 3-4 ghosts and never check his camera to see if what he thinks he saw was there? I don't think he was actually ever recording.Every time Mediterranean guy tells white guy (I honestly couldn't be bothered to learn or even look up their character names) random bits of hate like "you just want to sleep with her" or "why is a girl like her dating me!!!" I kept asking myself why these two guys are even friends. No emotional connect to each other. Much less with me.Audio: It was about half way through the movie that I finally understood this wasn't a foreign film badly dubbed. The audio matched the lips and this film was made in the US. It just had flat and emotionless audio to go along with the acting. I think Mediterranean guy may have actually dubbed his whole performance in post processing which is why, even when he is freaking out, he sounds like he is sitting in a warehouse watching this film instead of acting in it.This entire thing reeks of college course credit that accidentally got made into a feature film. wow... just wow.Acting: Every performance was punchable and cringeworthy but none more than the guy who tested the drug. I couldn't tell if he was trying to crank up the flamboyant meter or if he was just "acting at me" but someone needs to dial him back down by about half.Plot: I'm just going to say this about my suspicions for the origin of the plot. I picture two drunk guys around a camp fire with one saying "we should make a movie about typhoid mary" and the other saying "like.. uh. yeah. And she should be a ghost or whatever". They work for 1 hour and the script is done.Ps. it is obvious the guy who rated it high is brothers with the director or something. Or maybe he saw a different film.
pmcguireumc While Paranormal Asylum benefits from a wonderful concept, that of searching for the true story of Typhoid Mary, it suffers from three major problems.1 - a ridiculous back story of the film maker trying to get out from under his girlfriend's family.2 - filming quality that, while the coloring is lovely, it looks either like a college graduation film or a commercial for local TV.3 - terrible acting. Across the board, terrible acting. No one in this film was even Disney level quality. While good looking and in great shape, while they had nice hair even, the range of their dramatic skills covered the gamut from a to b.On the positive side - when the film sticks to the found footage genre (which I love!) it is above average. Unfortunately, it only uses found footage techniques for about 15-20 minutes total. This is unfortunate, because the tricks used in those scenes are excellent.Ultimately, I was left dissatisfied with the movie, knowing that it could have been so much more which is a shame, because I enjoy most found footage movies. I give it a 3 for the few minutes of found footage techniques and the twists employed therein.