Ultra Warrior
Ultra Warrior
| 16 March 1990 (USA)
Ultra Warrior Trailers

After the nuclear holocaust, one man rises from the ashes to become the leader of a ragged gang of survivors. They soon discover that their greatest challenge is yet to come; they must fight a battle for the ages against the evil minions of The Bishop.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
PodBill Just what I expected
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
EyeAskance An incomprehensible mess, Ultra Warrior is far and away the most relentless assault on the senses I have been subjected to in ages. With footage "borrowed" from who-knows-how-many other films, the final product is little more than a string of explosions with a threadbare story about Dack Rambo being sent into a radioactive wasteland to evaluate mining potential, and being drawn into a bloody war between mutants and slave-drivers.A painful test of endurance, but surely a badmovie monger's dream, Ultra Warrior is a must-see-to-believe experience. You will *never* mock another movie again.1/10
shawnsamsmullin This is the kind of movie that my friends and I have enjoyed watching time and time again. Why? Its unintentional comedy is off the scales. Another reviewer mentions stock footage and that's part of what makes it so entertaining. I mean they made a real effort to weave their pathetic storyline in such a way that they could use as much stock footage as possible. Also, they obviously ran out of money at the end because they completely forget plot elements and then wrap them up with non-sense basically amounts to a voice saying "all is well." There's also the ridiculous performance of the guy from Designing Women that has to be seen to be appreciated. Oh, and how about the space battles that have nothing to do with anything else. The cover also seems to be pointing to a different movie all together. It's an exercise in how to make every possible mistake. Absolutely comedic gold. Best/Worst movie of all time. If you can possibly track down a copy of this, DO IT!
Michael G. Willey Definitely in contention for first place for "Most Unashamed Use of Stock Footage in a Motion Picture", along with Jackie Chan's "Master of Cracked Fingers". We see unconnected scenes from a dozen Roger Corman epics thrown together willy-nilly - including shots of George Peppard from "Battle Beyond the Stars" and even a repeat of what must be the most re-used scene in stock footage history: David Carradine's "Fight with Mutants at the Well" from "Warrior and the Sorceress", "Wizards of the Lost Kingdom 2", et. al. Maybe five minutes worth of original footage in the whole movie.
Weh-Ming If ever there was a movie that needed MST3K to cover, this was it. This is not a movie to see alone, as you may suffer brain hemorrhages. If you want to practice picking out continuity errors and shouting out comments, this the movie to do it with. There is so much footage taken from other movies, I'm pretty sure that the only original shots are those with the actors in the movie-and even that is doubtful. This movie is so horrible that it makes you seriously wonder how it could have been made. On average, you'll cringe about once every three minutes. There are so many holes in the plot and script, that it's full...of...well, really big holes. If you enjoy fine cinema, you'll never even be in the same section as this video. Still, Ultra Warrior has found a place near and dear to my heart. Just about everyone I know has seen it at least once at my urging. There's just something about the way that the cast and crew knew that they were making a movie that would possibly never see the light of day. No effort is made to hide the impossible jumps in the plot, the disturbingly poor special effects, the incredibly cheesy delivery of lines, or the smashingly choppy scene cuts. In fact, they revel in it. This is a movie that the people making it had fun doing. Or they were all completely insane. Completely.But it's fun. I recommend it. A little.