U.S. Catman 2: Boxer Blow
U.S. Catman 2: Boxer Blow
| 01 January 1989 (USA)
U.S. Catman 2: Boxer Blow Trailers

Sam (Catman) and Gus are back to work in this movie. With Cheever dead, his old gang needs a new leader, so by having some random people beat each other up, they discover this big tall guy who only wears fatigues and seems to be strong so they make him the leader. Later on, some CIA agent finds out that some woman affiliated with the Cheever gang has a nuclear starter or something and will only give it up for a lot of money. Sam and Gus then go on a mission to get it back and save the world. Like the first in the "Catman" series, this movie also includes various scenes of Asian people beating each other up for no real reason. In this movie, the Asian guys actually speak of Cheever at one point (providing a minor link between the two plots), but that's really about it.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
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Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
HaemovoreRex Following the death of Cheever, satanic priest and all round dastardly geezer in the first wonderful entry, there is a new opening for one of his followers to take his place. Sure enough, via a series of vicious boxing duels a chap called Hugh(!) assumes the mantle. It now once again falls upon unlikely superhero Catman and his friend Gus to finish the group once and for all. OK, I'll cut straight to the chase here; The first film, Catman In Lethal Track, was hands down a true bad movie classic on account of its consistently priceless dialogue, hilarious over acting from everyone involved, stupefying voice over work and enough daft scenes to sink even the Bismark. So what's wrong with the sequel you may well ask? Well, simply put, Catman is virtually not even in it! Instead Gus seems to headline here and even he appears in less than fifteen minutes. Matters are certainly not helped any either by the particularly awful Filipino 'action' drama into which the new Catman-less scenes are edited. Sure there's plenty of fights in it......actually that's all the protagonists seem to do in fact, but by gum, sitting through it is much akin to watching the skin form on custard. I'm further sad to report that even the dialogue has been drastically tamed down for this entry save for a few priceless little nuggets. A genuine shame all in all although I will say that the final five or so minutes are admittedly tremendous fun!
oflstwb02 This movie is absolutely horrible. If you enjoy gouging your eyes out while screaming in agony, you'll enjoy this movie immensely.It has exactly one sound for when someone hits someone else (bam!). Fights start for no reason, there's no continuity, the characters change continually (Catman himself's only around for a few minutes in the entire movie), it doesn't have a plot... I got the impression that it has something to do with nuclear weapons, but I'm not sure whatThere's a brilliant scene where someone tortures someone else by eating worms (the logic behind this isn't apparent)This is most definitely the worst movie I've ever seen... laughed so hard my cheek muscles hurt. Keep the fast-forward button close by...
producedpt I saw Catman in Lethal Track, and Catman in Boxer's Blow. After seeing the first one, I was baffled about how a second could be released. Alas, here it is, and what a painful, mind-numbing, and hilarious experience it was.First off, this movie has nothing to do with Catman whatsoever. Catman is in the movie for less than 15 minutes. My guess is that he's in the movie only to appeal to an American audience. The rest of the movie is the "subplot", a mess of people beating the crap out of each other amidst a plot that I couldn't figure out at all. There's no character development. I had to ask myself how the box could be so misleading. If you get a chance to look at the cover art, you'll notice that the people featured are white. The actual Taiwanese main characters are not featured at all. Pity, really, that they have to cover up this fact.About ten minutes into the movie, my friend and I had noticed there were quite a few fight scenes, so we started a counter. The total number of fights in the movie came down to 21. That meant that on average, someone was shot, jumped, beaten up, or engaged in some sort of useless brawl every four minutes. Not bad if you want to see action. But each action scene is totally useless. At least in this movie they dug deep into their pockets and managed to give us some explosions in the finale. Sheesh. Oh, and the ending, like the last movie, not only has nothing to do with the rest of the movie, but is the greatest and most hilarious part.If you get a chance to see Catman, go ahead and see it. But after the first ten minutes, you might as well skip to the end, because there's nothing new at all.
Userdoe1560 Catman in Boxer's Blow is truly one of the masterworks of the decade. though originally produced in Japan, it is almost perfectly subtitled. Catman in Lethal Track has one of the best plot developments i have ever seen. It also stresses good morals and leadership, because Catman heroically saves the lives of innocent people throught the movie. Catman in Lethal Track also contains a vivid and livley musical score- it is un-parraleled even to the masterpeices of mozart, beethoven, bach, and others. All in all, Catman in Lethal Track is a great movie. Scince it's here right on this website you should buy it. It's a fine movie that is for the whole family to enjoy.